Be Teachable, In and Out of the Classroom

Feb 18, 2019 • Ellie J.

One of the best qualities to have is to be teachable.  The dictionary definition of “teachable” is “willing to be taught.”  To be teachable is more than studying for a test and learning material.  It’s being humble, willing, and moldable in all situations, even in the seemingly mundane.

College is full of learning, growth, and change – in and out of the classroom.  You have so many exciting opportunities to learn about yourself, others, God, culture, what you’re studying, and much more during your college years. 

But are you willing to learn? Are you teachable?

Someone who is teachable and willing to learn enters all situations recognizing that there is always something to learn whether you’re in class, Convocation, or just hanging out with friends.  There is a clear hunger to learn.  They take notes, ask questions, and pay close attention to whoever is talking.  They surround themselves with people who are different than them.  You don’t learn as much from people who talk like you, look like you, and act like you.

The Bible talks a lot about being teachable and gaining wisdom, especially in the book of Proverbs.  Proverbs 19:20 says, “Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end, you will be counted among the wise.”  God shows great favor to those who have a humble and teachable spirit.  God gives wisdom to those who ask and hunger for it!

Sometimes it seems easier to assume that there is nothing to learn, especially if you’re in a situation you’re not super excited about.  But choosing to be moldable and teachable will always open the door for unexpected blessings, growth, and opportunities.  Choose to be teachable and willing to learn, no matter what season you’re in!  You’ll be so glad you did.

Talk Soon,


Ellie J.

Integrated Communications

  • Hometown: Dover, New Hampshire
  • Activities/Hobbies: Water coloring, playing Telestrations, and blogging!
  • Favorite Music: Taylor Swift, Hillsong, Need to Breathe, Vance Joy, LANY
  • Favorite TV Shows/Movies: The Office, Star Wars, and Finding Nemo
  • Favorite Hangout Spot: Dublin 3, the Freedom Tower, Monogram
  • Favorite Foods: Tacos all the way!