Having the Proper Mindset for Relationships in College

Feb 7, 2020 • Graham B.

February, also known as “the month of love,” is here once again. With it comes a variety of emotions, such as feelings of loneliness, longing, happiness, and of course, love. Many students share a common hope and expectation for college: finding a significant other before they graduate.

While finding that special someone is wonderful, many new students start college with the wrong mindset. Countless young students panic every year, wondering if they are doomed to a life of singleness after not finding a girlfriend or boyfriend during their first semester at school. This mindset will not only cause unnecessary fear and loneliness, but it may also hinder you from eventually finding the person that God has intended for you to have and to hold. You may find yourself thinking that you have to settle for someone who isn’t right for you due to your fear of being alone. Healthy relationships are not built on fear.

I’ve witnessed multiple relationships start and end within the first few weeks of school. This is a common occurrence between brother and sister dorms as students immediately meet so many great people and just jump right into a relationship. This usually ends up causing unnecessary drama on the hall between people who could’ve been great friends, but rushed into a relationship. As someone who has seen the results of this, I would advise you to slow down! God will put the right person in front of you in His timing.

Take advantage of this time before you enter into college life to become self-secure. Find contentment in Christ, so that whether you end up being single throughout your time at Liberty or in a relationship, you will never feel fearful or alone because you are in the hands of the One who ultimately is in control of everything. Enjoy this February, and remember to let those around you know that you love them!

Graham B.

Business Administration: Digital Marketing/Advertising & Marketing Analytics

  • Hometown: Dothan, AL
  • Activities/Hobbies: Hiking, Kayaking, Photography, Beach Volleyball, and Board Games
  • Favorite Music: Johnnyswim, Bruno Major, and The Band Camino
  • Favorite TV Shows/Movies: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, New Girl, and the Office
  • Favorite Hangout Spot: Starbucks, Common Areas, and Any Mountain or Trail
  • Favorite Foods: Avocados, Peanuts, and Sandwiches