Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome Week to Commencement Weekend
Liberty is ready to pick up where you left off and help your student develop even more into the adult that God has designed them to be. Resources and support are available for their whole person – body, mind, and soul.
Rejoice, Pray, and Give Thanks always (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
Moving Into Their Home Away From Home
Life as a Liberty Student
Academic Planning and Support
Graduation and Commencement Weekend
New Parent and Family Sessions during Welcome Week
Body, Mind, and Spirit
Visiting Your Student on Campus
Liberty Family Orientation by Topic
Every residential student who lives on-campus or commutes has a personal responsibility for their life. Liberty partners with them in their learning and growth so that they thrive as residential students and live their lives well. The brief videos below explain the policies that impact all students from academics to health and communication to service.
Learn more about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) that governs how student information is protected.
The Liberty Way
Dean of Students guides our community by the Student Honor Code (The Liberty Way), Academic Integrity, and Center for Student Thriving.
Health & Wellness
For more information about wellness initiatives, health records, and the Student Clinic, go to Student Health and Wellness.
Christian Community Service (CSER)
Every residential student that is enrolled in a full-time undergraduate degree program is required to complete community service project hours. Learn more about CSER.
Advising for Degree Planning
Freshmen and first-semester transfer students are required to meet with their Professional Advisor. Meet the advisors at CASAS Professional Advising.