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LU Send

Travel with LU Send

Are you looking for transformational travel opportunities; a chance to learn, grow and serve through cross-cultural encounters and unforgettable global experiences? Well, you have come to the right place! LU Send is the central hub of support for all student group travel and study abroad at Liberty University. We’re passionate about helping you get off campus to see the world; all while getting academic credit, increasing cultural competency, and serving the Lord around the globe.

Group Travel Opportunities

Get off campus and experience the world with other Liberty University students and professors. You will never forget the places you go to or the people you went there with!

Click below to explore all Professor-led group travel options.

Explore Group Travel

Study Abroad Portal

Take classes toward your Liberty University degree while seeing the world! Grow and stretch yourself and your faith when you Study Abroad!

Click below to see approved study abroad programs or read Liberty student testimonials

Explore Study Abroad Programs

International Internship Portal

Get real-world professional experience in your field of study while working in other countries and increasing your cultural awareness.

Click below to see approved international internship organizations or read Liberty Student testimonials.

Explore International Internships

LU Send Faculty Gateway

Find everything faculty need from requesting domestic excused absences, proposing international study tours, and registering individual university-approved or sponsored international travel.

Click below to learn more.

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