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Residence Life

Welcome Home

Whether this is your first time living away from home, transferring from another University, or you have lived on-campus for several years, Welcome To Your Home Away From Home.

While here, you will experience a quality on-campus living that not only provides safe and inviting housing options but also meets your need for community and personal development

At ResLife we meet you where you are,
as you find out what you’re meant to be. 

Thrive On One of the Safest Campuses in Virginia

When entering our male and female-only badge-access residence halls, you will feel safe as you unwind from a busy day. In addition to the safety found within the residence halls, the Liberty University Police Department (LUPD) serves and protects our campus community as a full-service law enforcement agency staffed by professional, highly trained personnel as a part of Liberty University’s Office of Security & Public Safety.

The transition time during college can be challenging! Each hall is equipped with two to three Resident Assistants (RAs) and a Resident Director (RD) who are equipped to handle crisis response and look out for the safety and the mental, spiritual, and physical well-being of their residents. Additionally, through our partnership with the LU Shepherd Office, each building has an assigned LU Shepherd, Resident Shepherds (RSs), and Community Group Leaders (CGLs).

For more information on what to expect while living on-campus, including guidelines and resources, read our On Campus Living Guide.

Take a Virtual Tour of Campus Housing

Liberty Housing Virtual Tour

Residence Halls

View Housing Selection Information

Residential CommonsResidential Commons Dorms

Residential Commons (001, 002, 003 & 004)

Housing with two-person rooms, private baths

Elevator accessible

The HillThe Hill Dorms

The Hill (017-023)

Traditional residence hall community

No elevator

East Campus

East Campus Dorms East Campus (140-194)

Premier apartment-style housing location

No elevator

The Quads

The Quad DormsThe Quads (029-032)

Two-person rooms in apartment-style suites

No elevator

South Tower

South Tower DormsSouth Tower (033)

Traditional residence hall community

Elevator accessible

The Circle

The Circle Dorms The Circle (025-028)

Traditional residence hall community

No elevator

Residential Annex

Residential Annex (A-D)

Hotel-style living with two-person rooms, private baths

No elevator

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