Parking & Traffic
Keeping Campus Safe and Efficient
Liberty’s parking and traffic policies exist for your safety and to maintain the highest level of efficiency on our campus. All drivers are expected to obey Liberty University’s moving, parking, and pedestrian violations. If you have any questions, contact LUPD at (434) 592-3697 or email
- Vehicle Registration
- Parking and Decal Basics
- Towing and Vehicle Immobilization
- Chargeable-Towable-Offenses
- Citations and Fine Schedule
See Liberty Transit for a list of bus routes and alternative commuter options.
Visitors Parking Pass
Any visitor that comes to the Liberty University Campus with a vehicle must obtain a temporary Visitor Parking Pass by filling out the Free Visitor Parking Pass Form. If a visitor uses a student’s vehicle or any vehicle that has a Liberty parking decal registered to the vehicle; they will have to park according to the parking lots the decal is assigned to and no visitor pass will be issued. Special requests can be made via email to LU Faculty/Staff (if you are parking on any LU property more than twice on average) and students are not eligible to register for a free visitor’s pass. You will need to visit LUPD to obtain a one-day parking pass during business hours.
Additional Parking Information
Temporary Use Vehicles – If a student or employee drives an unregistered vehicle on campus for temporary use, they must obtain a temporary parking permit from LUPD front desk office. BEFORE they park that vehicle on campus. The student or employee may only obtain one free temporary parking permit for a length no longer than seven days within one semester (unless the vehicle is brought on campus during the last three weeks of any semester, in which case a registration fee of $25 will be assessed). Any additional temporary permits needed after the first free week will cost $5 each. If there are extenuating circumstances, the student or employee should contact the LUPD Records Office to discuss what action should be taken regarding their temporary vehicle.
Intensives – Students or employees with a vehicle on Liberty University Property for an Intensive must obtain a temporary parking pass from the LUPD front desk office if they did not receive their pass in the mail.
LU Online Students and Employees – Online students and/or employees that want to park on campus must also purchase a decal. Should an LU Online Student or Faculty member have their vehicle towed while on campus, they are responsible for the charges attached to that tow. The individual should contact LUPD prior to bringing their vehicle on campus for clear instructions on properly registering their vehicle and obtaining a parking decal or temporary pass.
Placement Temporary Parking Passes – There are two types of temporary parking passes. The hangtag must be hanging from the vehicles rearview mirror right side up facing the front of the vehicle. Temporary placards must be placed, right side up on the dashboard on the driver’s side of the vehicle facing out toward the windshield in order to be easily read from the exterior of the vehicle. Vehicles for which the location of the decal (as described above) is not physically possible due to the vehicle’s configuration should contact LUPD’s font desk office for further instruction.
Motorcycles, Mopeds, and Scooters – Request instructions from LUPD to properly affix a temporary parking pass to this type of vehicle.
Leaving a Vehicle Over Break – If students wish to leave their vehicles parked on campus over a break, they will need to come into LUPD’s office sign a release form, obtain temporary parking pass for the designated lot and leave a spare key. The release form is to indicate that in any emergency, LUPD is allowed to move the vehicle to an alternate approved location.
Broken Down Vehicles – Vehicles which have broken down in parking lot locations which may violate parking regulations must obtain a broken down vehicle pass from LUPD Records Office.
Abandoned Vehicles on private property- Any motor vehicle, trailer or any parts of a motor vehicle shall NOT be left on the private property of Liberty University. All abandoned vehicles will be tagged by LUPD and towed/removed at the owner’s expense in accordance with VA Code.