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Student Financial Services

Financial Planning

Planning on how to pay for college can be challenging. We’re here to help guide you through the financial aid process and provide assistance with your student account. Don’t stress about student finances, you’ll have enough to do, like hanging out with friends and studying for your classes.


Payment Fee Phishing Scam

IT Security has become aware that some users have received a phishing email about a fee that is due. Based on reviewed emails, the fee in various emails is $4.25.

We are working to resolve the issue. Please do not reply or click the link, and report the message immediately. For more information on phishing emails, visit

For the latest phishing alerts, please Click Here.

Financial Aid Opportunities

The Middle America Scholarship!

New Residential students may be eligible for up to $6,395  in the 2023-2024 Middle America Scholarship! Learn more and see if you are eligible!

Come Join Our Team!

Student Financial Services is hiring! Learn more about the open positions we have and apply today!

Consumer Information

Liberty University, as permitted by federal regulation [34 CFR 668.41], electronically disseminates consumer information, including the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act information. Upon request, the institution will provide a free paper copy. Anyone signing or processing financial aid forms or seeking information or assistance at Liberty University must read, understand, and comply with the requirements disclosed, which are available 24 hours a day at



For information and links to the self-certification form for CARES Act funding, click here.

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