Get started setting up your financial aid. Follow these steps and submit the forms below that apply to you.
Submit Your FAFSA
You can complete your FAFSA using your FSA ID username and password and with Liberty’s school code (010392). You must complete the FAFSA to be considered for financial aid. You can learn more about the FAFSA on this page and in this video.
You can also learn about and apply for private loans. Check out our helpful tutorial video for loan information and smart borrowing tips!
Complete Financial Check-In
Complete your Financial Check-In (FCI). Once you have submitted all requested documents, your financial aid can be processed. Need help? Check out these FCI tutorials for residential and online students.
Financial Aid Forms
You may need to submit forms to the Financial Aid Office to maintain aid eligibility or complete a review process. Youshould only complete the forms requested by the Student Financial Services department and submit a tracked letter and/or email.