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Financial Aid Forms and Eligibility

Setting Up Your Financial Aid

Get started setting up your financial aid by following these steps, and submit the forms listed below that apply to you.

Submit Your FAFSA

You can complete your FAFSA using your FSA ID username and password and with Liberty’s school code (010392). You must complete the FAFSA annually to be considered for federal financial aid as well as any Liberty institutional scholarships.

Apply for Financial Aid

Types of aid can include:


Apply for Loans

Learn about and apply for federal and private loans. You can also check out this helpful video for loan information and smart borrowing tips.

Complete Financial Check-In (FCI)!

Head over to your Student Checklist or myLU and complete your Financial Check-In (FCI) process by the applicable deadline each term.

FCI deadlines for the different terms and sub-terms offered at Liberty University can be found here.

Need help? Check out these FCI tutorial videos!

Online Tutorial

Residential Tutorial

Financial Aid Forms

You may need to submit forms to the Financial Aid Office to maintain aid eligibility or complete a review process.

You should only complete the forms when they are specifically requested by the Financial Aid Office.

Forms in your Student Account

The majority of forms you need to submit can be done directly and electronically through your Student Checklist. Some forms may only be in ASIST, by selecting the Financial Aid tab and clicking on “Financial Aid Forms.” Completed and signed paper forms can be scanned and emailed to

Need help?

Any issues while creating the LU Guest Account should be directed to the IT HelpDesk.

Issues with the form electronic signature process should be directed to a Financial Aid Office representative by chat.


Available Forms


Guest Account

 Parents of dependent Students must review and electronically sign most requested Financial Aid Office forms.  Parents can easily complete the signature requirement using their own Liberty Account, and if the parent doesn’t have an existing account, he or she can set up a Liberty Guest Account.

Guest Account Setup Directions

Note: It can take up to 48 hours for a Guest Account to be fully created which may prevent the parent from electronically signing a form the same day he or she receives the link to the form from their dependent student.

Parent E-Signing Directions

When completing a form, a dependent student will be prompted to provide a parent’s LU email address or email address associated with the parent’s LU Guest Account.

  • If the email address the student provides is not associated with the parent’s LU or Guest Account, a message will be displayed, prompting the student to either provide a different email address or request their parent create an LU Guest Account
  • If the email address the student provides is associated with the parent’s LU or Guest Account, an email will be sent to the parent email address provided, with a link to the form.

The parent will need to click on the link provided in the email, and he or she will be prompted to sign in with the LU or Guest Account credentials, and then review, electronically sign, and submit the form.

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