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Biology & Chemistry Research

Prepare for Your Career in Biology or Chemistry Through Hands-On Research

Learn to succeed in your field of study by conducting research with hands-on experiments in nearly every science class you take. In Liberty University’s Department of Biology & Chemistry, you will participate in labs taught by credentialed and experienced faculty.

Also, in our 400-level courses, you will have the opportunity to conduct your own research projects or do research simulations. Additionally, you could participate with faculty on their ongoing research projects.

Experience like this has given students the opportunity to present their research results at both regional and national scientific meetings, including the Virginia Academy of Science. Research experience can also help you gain internship opportunities, attend graduate school, and find successful employment.

LU Undergrads Gain Lab Research Experience from Liberty News on Vimeo.

Read about Bio/Chem research in “Overachieving Undergraduate Programs” in the Liberty Journal.

Biology and Chemistry Faculty Research Opportunities Include:

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