Master’s Degrees

Home Master’s Degrees

Master’s Degrees

Enhance your career with a master’s degree from the Liberty Theological Seminary. Enjoy degree programs that are geared towards working professionals with the flexibility of online study options. For those currently involved in a local church or Christian ministry, consider taking part in the Monday Master’s degree path. And for those wishing to go even further, consider one of our postgraduate degrees as well.

Liberty Theological Seminary is accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). Your divinity degree is approved by ATS and has met rigorous accreditation standards. So you can feel confident that your degree is both academically excellent and well-respected among churches, ministries, and nonprofit organizations. Liberty University is also accredited by SACSCOC.

Applied Ministry (M.A.)

Biblical Exposition (M.A.)

Biblical Languages (M.A.)

Biblical Studies (M.A.B.S.)

Chaplaincy (M.A.)

Christian Apologetics (Thesis) (M.A.) 

Christian Apologetics (Non-Thesis) (M.A.) 

Christian Leadership (M.A.)

Christian Ministry (M.A.C.M.)

Church Planting (M.A.)

Educational Ministries (M.A.)

Global Studies (M.A.G.S.)

Humanitarian Action and Human Rights (M.A.)

Pastoral Counseling (M.A.)

Religious Education (M.R.E.)

Theological Studies (M.A.T.S.)