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Tuition Assistance (TA) – ArmyIgnitED

Army Tuition Assistance (ArmyIgnitED)
Below is a snapshot of what Army Tuition Assistance (ArmyIgnitED) will cover. To determine your eligibility, please check out the full eligibility requirements posted on the ArmyIgnitED website or contact your Education Services Officer (ESO) directly.
- May cover up to $250 per credit hour
- Fiscal year cap of $4,500
- Maximum of 18 credit hours may be covered per fiscal year
- Soldiers are limited to 130 credit hours to complete one bachelor’s degree and 39 credit hours to complete one master’s degree
- Post-graduate degrees typically do not qualify for Army Tuition Assistance
- One certificate program at the Undergraduate or Graduate level may be approved for Army Tuition Assistance
- TA request timeframe
- Start: 60 days before term starts
- End: 7 days before term starts
Important note about registration: Army students should make all enrollment changes with Liberty University directly.
How to Request ArmyIgnitED Tuition Assistance
If you have not yet set up an account with the new ArmyIgnited, please take the following steps. For further assistance, please contact your Army Education Office.
- Set up your ArmyIgnitED Account. You can visit the new ArmyIgnitED website at armyignited.army.mil and click “Login.” This will register your CAC to the upgraded ArmyIgnitED. You will only need the URL and your CAC. Please visit or contact your local Education Center if you need assistance.
- Retrieve Your Degree Completion Plan. Army TA students can access their degree plan in the Course Registration Tool. Under the Degree Completion section, type Ctrl P to save your degree plan as a PDF. Please note: Students are required to be accepted to their program and submit all official transcripts before an official degree plan can be generated.
- Submit an Education Goal. Once you have set up an ArmyIgnitED account, please follow the below steps to submit an Education Goal.
Step 1: Click on Educational Goals
Click on “Education Goals” on the left side menu or “Create New Goal” near the bottom of the homepage.
Step 2: Select your education goal type.
If you see N/A by the goal you are trying to create, you are ineligible for that degree level. Soldiers can hover over the goal, and they will see the reason why they are ineligible. If this is in error, please contact your S1 to get your civilian education level updated in your record. In the meantime, Soldiers could contact their Education Center, provide correct documentation (transcript), and request that an Education Counselor do a one-day update of the civilian education level.
Step 3: Select Liberty University as your Academic Institution.
Enter Liberty University’s name and select from the drop-down list. You can also enter your LU ID. Click “Next”.
Step 4: Select a Degree Program.
Liberty University has uploaded all degree programs we offer. There is a keyword search to help find your degree program. If you do not see the degree program you are pursuing, please email ArmyTA@liberty.edu to have the degree program loaded to the portal. Select the Degree Program from the drop-down list and click “Next”.
Step 5: Upload your Evaluated Degree Plan.
Upload your Evaluated Degree Plan. You can access your Degree Completion Plan in the Course Registration Tool. Simply click “Download Plan PDF” in the Course Registration Tool to save a PDF copy of your official degree plan.
Step 6: Enter total required credits for your degree level if not already loaded.
Liberty University has already loaded the number of credits required for the degree. If you are uploading an Evaluated Degree Plan, you can update the transferred credits in the “Previous Credits” field. If the credits you enter are in Quarter Hours, check the “Yes” box. Click “Submit Goal”.
Step 7: Review & Approval/Disapproval.
Once you submit your education goal, it is sent to your Education Center for review. Once approved or disapproved, you will receive a message in your student message section. Once your education goal is approved, you may apply for tuition assistance.
The Army has communicated that they will continue to work with soldier-students and the schools to work through any challenges that occurred before or during this transition. Liberty University’s Office of Military Affairs is available to assist you with this transition, so we encourage you to reach out for support, by phone, (855) 355-4947, or by email, ArmyTA@liberty.edu.