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College of the American Soldier (CAS) Career NCO Degree

The College of the American Soldier (CAS) provides non-commissioned officers with an accelerated path to completing an approved Career NCO Degree, Liberty University Online’s Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.

CAS allows you to earn credits, based on two military training pathways:

  • 38 credit hours: Completed Basic Combat Training and NCO Leadership Schools* including U.S. Army Sergeants Major Resident courses (AR-1408-0148)
  • 32 credit hours: Completed Basic Combat Training and NCO Leadership Schools* including U.S. Army Sergeants Major Non-Resident course (AR-1408-0328)

*NCO Leadership Schools include Warrior Leader, Battle Staff, BNCOC Common Core, First Sergeant, and either U.S. Army Sergeants Major (resident course) (SAR-1408-0148) or U.S. Army Sergeants Major Non-Resident Course (AR-1408-0328).

Special Note:
CAS is only available for those in the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – General program. CAS cannot be used with any of the other Business Administration specializations.

Career NCO Degree

Liberty’s Bachelor of Science in Business Administration program will help you master skills in general business, accounting, finance and marketing in both the domestic and international marketplace. You will develop skills specifically related to leadership, management, and human resources. Courses will prepare you to serve effectively in the modern business world while integrating faith with learning in a professional atmosphere.

How to enroll?

  1. Apply to the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with Liberty University.
  2. Visit ArmyIgnitED to set up your account with Liberty University as your home institution, and declare the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration as your degree.
  3. Request your JST Transcript for evaluation through the links on our Military Transfer Credit webpage.


As a Career NCO Degree institution, Liberty University will automatically contact a Soldier who selects this degree and declares Liberty University as his or her home college in ArmyIgnitED as soon as we are notified. Information regarding how credits from military schools will apply to the degree chosen by the Soldier will be provided and the Soldier will be advised about which courses are needed to complete the degree.

Once the college has received a Soldier’s JST Transcript and related educational information, the college will conduct a formal assessment of the Soldier’s prior learning and will complete a degree plan in accordance with ArmyIgnitED portal requirements. This official college degree plan will become part of the Soldier’s ArmyIgnitED file.

For more information, contact our Registrar’s Office at

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