Official Complaints
Residential Student Written Complaint Process
The College of Applied Studies and Academic Success (CASAS) encourages residential students to be familiar with the current policies and appeal processes of Liberty University. We understand that knowing all this information can seem overwhelming, which is why we recommend students first contact their Professional Advisor with any questions or concerns. The Professional Advisors within CASAS are equipped to help students with official complaints.
Current students in the School of Law or LUCOM should seek assistance from the student support staff within these schools.
Official university policies and appeal processes:
- Undergraduate Catalog Academic Information and Policies
- Graduate Catalog Academic Information and Policies
- Student Financial Services Appeal and Complaint Policies
- Residential Student Health Fee Exemption Form
- Office of Disability Accommodation Support (ODAS)
- Office of Equity and Compliance
General policy for residential undergraduate and graduate student official written complaints:
Official written complaints should be directed to the College of Applied Studies & Academic Success by completing the Student Complaint Form linked below. When a student has exhausted all normal channels and appeal processes and still desires to file an official written complaint they can file an official written complaint through the Student Written Complaint Form. The student’s Professional Advisor may be contacted in cases where a student is uncertain on how to proceed with a written complaint, or if a written complaint remains unresolved after a reasonable amount of time ( Professional Advising within the College of Applied Studies & Academic Success will assess the written complaint and identify the appropriate person(s) to assist the student, and/or facilitate contact with the student with the appropriate office(s) to ensure resolution of the written complaint.
Procedure for residential undergraduate and graduate student official written complaints:
- Students are encouraged to first express concerns to their assigned Professional Advisor within CASAS.
- Students may submit a formal written complaint about an issue occurring during their current or previous term of enrollment.
- Student expresses grievance in writing via the official written complaint form. Only written complaints submitted via the official written complaint form will be considered official written complaints. Written complaints submitted via other forums will not be considered official written complaints.
- The official written complaint and accompanying documentation is reviewed and assigned to the appropriate university office(s) for research/decision-making purposes.
- The official written complaint decision is rendered based on research findings.
- The decision-making party will rule on the official written complaint and update the official written complaint form.
- The student will be notified via email of the decision.
- If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of their initial official written complaint, they may appeal within seven days of the rendered decision by providing additional support/documentation for review.
- A second review of the official written complaint will be completed by a higher authority within Liberty University.