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Net Price Calculator

What is a net price calculator?

A net price calculator (NPC) is a tool provided by Liberty for you to receive estimated costs and financial aid to attend either residentially or online.

How does the NPC work?

The NPC uses a series of complex calculations to provide a rough estimate of your cost and financial aid based on information you provide like the number of people in your household, estimated annual income and other questions that are similar to what you would see when completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Resident student walk-through video

Online student walk-through video

Is the NPC output like a financial aid offer?

No. The NPC output is strictly an estimate based on information you provide us. A financial aid offer is an official letter from Liberty that outlines actual financial aid offers to attend Liberty. You can use the NPC at any time to get a rough idea of what it would cost to attend Liberty. A financial aid offer is only provided after you are an accepted student, preferably with a completed FAFSA on file for the applicable aid year.

Why take the time to complete the NPC?

The NPC provides estimated costs that can be very helpful when comparing colleges during the admissions process. We want to make sure you can see the value of Liberty’s low cost and generous aid by taking a few moments to fill out the NPC.

Can I keep my results from the NPC?

Yes! If you provide your name and e-mail to us on the initial information pages, we will send you your results and you can go back to look at them for up to 30 days.

What if the NPC output is not what I expected?

NPC results are a rough estimate, and it can vary greatly depending upon the information you submit. For example, if you estimate that your household income is $20,000, when it is actually closer to $70,000, you will see very different results because many financial aid awards are “need-based”, or figured according to income. Also, if you choose fall, spring and summer for semesters you plan to attend, you will receive quite a different result than just fall and spring because the costs associated with attending three semesters instead of two are also different. The good news – you can adjust and recomplete the NPC as many times as you want!

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