PPOG 663 The Political Economy of China

The re-emergence of China as one of the world’s most powerful economies means that the study of China’s development is no longer a parochial concern but central to an understanding of the world’s economy. This course explores current research on the politics and political economy of China and prepares students to conduct their own research in Chinese politics and political economy. The emphasis is on what is permanent about Communist rule in China, the changing nature of the Chinese Party-state, as well as relations between state-economy and state-society. Stemming off of this focus, this course gives attention to the dynamics and challenges associated with reform and resistance. Finally, we consider China’s economic development comparatively, in contrast to capitalism in the U.S. and the historical development of the U.S. economy. 


For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

PPOG 663 provides a doctoral-level comprehension of the sources of China’s spectacular economic growth. Understanding what makes China’s economic growth unique as well as how it compares in historical perspective is essential and permits a detail evaluation of its strengths and vulnerabilities. As the Chinese economy is more significant to the global economy, U.S. academics, decision-makers, and analysts must grasp how China has grown, how the U.S. has aided its rise, and what the future holds for U.S. dependence on China’s economy. 

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

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Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (5)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to provide a thread in response to the provided topic for each discussion. Each thread must be 400–500 words in length and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be original and unique and should be 200–350 words. 

Research Paper Assignments (3)

Research Paper: Memorandum Assignment

The student will compose a memorandum describing the central research question, research objectives, an original argument, and the academic contribution the paper will make, along with an outline for the paper. The reader should walk away with a clear sense of the scholarly significance of the proposed project, along with the specific arguments and scholars the paper will converse with. This memo must be one page or less in length, single-spaced.

Research Paper: Mini-Proposal Assignment

The student will compose an eight-to-nine-page proposal (For master’s level, six-to-seven pages) which clearly states the research question, research objectives, describes the central argument. An abbreviated literature review should comprise at least half of the body of the paper and illustrate how the research project will further academic knowledge on the project’s theme of focus. Building out of the literature review, the proposal must also lay out a feasible, social science-based plan for carrying out the research and building the central argument, a plan which specifies data sources, methods and clearly identifies anticipated challenges associated with project completion. The student should use peer-reviewed work to justify his/her research design choices and must convincingly demonstrate that his/her proposed research design is appropriate for the study of his/her own research question. Although it is assumed that final research projects for the course will generate policy prescriptions/recommendations, the focus of this assignment is on laying the foundation needed to complete the research itself.

Research Paper: Final Assignment

The student will compose a 25-to-30-page (For master’s level, 20-to-25 pages) (excluding title page and bibliography) research paper, based upon the mini-proposal. Policy implications should be offered toward the end of the paper, based upon the student’s research findings and conclusions. Feedback from the proposal must be incorporated into the final project.

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