PLCY 805 Policy Analysis and Statesmanship
Course Description
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.
Public policy and public policy recommendations are often derived from or constructed upon social science research. Not only does this course prepare the doctoral-level student to conduct his/her own robust research, but it equips the student with the toolkit needed for the full evaluation of research used as justification for particular policies.
Course Assignment
Textbook readings and lecture presentations
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Course Requirements Checklist
After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Discussions (5)
Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to write a response thread to the prompt for each discussion assignment. Each thread must consist of at least 500 words and demonstrate mastery of course content. For each thread, the student must ground his/her responses and lines of argumentation in the course readings with at least three (3) scholarly, peer-reviewed citations in current APA format. In addition to this initial thread, the student must reply to two (2) of the threads authored by his or her colleagues. Each reply must consist of at least 300 words. Replies should be rooted in course readings and content and incorporate at least three (3) scholarly citations from the Learn items used during the assigned Module: Week cited in current APA format. Additionally, reputable academic titles and articles may be invoked to answer prompts (especially those in the recommended reading list).
Each doctoral student will complete one (1) video presentation at the conclusion of this course. The student will post one video of approximately 10 minutes in length. The student must then post two (2) replies to colleague video posts of at least 150 words each. Video presentations must cover each and every major component of the student’s full research design proposal.
Literature Review Assignment
The doctoral student must produce a literature review of 14-16 pages based on his or her dependent variable/research question from specified Modules. The literature review must focus on prominent, previous work and illustrate how a literature review informs the development of a theoretically significant research question. The student must provide his or her reader with a strong sense of the state of the established literature in the chosen sub-field and must identify areas where he or she can make a substantial contribution to existing theory and scholarly discourse. The literature review should make use of current APA formatting and incorporate citations from at least twenty-five (25) sources. Acceptable sources include peer-reviewed journal articles, books from academic presses, and/or policy research papers published by reputable think tanks.
Research Design Comparison Assignment
The student will identify and write a comparative analysis and critique of two prominent, peer-reviewed research articles, each of which focuses on the same general research question/dependent variable. The paper must be at least 7 pages.
The bulk of the paper should focus on examining major research design choices and explaining whether or not the scholar(s) make the correct research design decision(s) and why. The format of the paper should be as follows:
- Identify and briefly describe the scope of the two research projects.
- Identify the research question.
- In one sentence, describe the dependent variable.
- Evaluate how well the scholar(s) define and operationalize their dependent variables(s) and how weel they operationalize other major concepts in their study.
- Discuss the study’s overall research design structure.
- Briefly discuss research findings.
- Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the overall research design.
- Offer concrete suggestions for improvement to the research design.
- Conclude with a brief, comparative analysis of the overall quality and appropriateness of each research design.
This paper will use the following format: Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1″ margins, double-spaced, numbered pages, title page, and current APA formatting.
Mock Research Proposal Assignment
The doctoral student will write an abbreviated, 15+ page practice proposal based on the research question/dependent variable (DV) selected for the Discussion in a specified Module. The primary focus of the practice proposal is the selection of a research design appropriate for the study of a particular dependent variable. The proposal can build out of the literature review constructed in the previous writing assignment.
After providing a concise description of his or her dependent variable on page one of the proposal, the student should spend significant space describing the conceptualization of his or her DV. The student must also provide a clearly specified research question. The focus should then shift to explaining why the chosen research design is appropriate for the study of the particular DV. Strong proposals will address measurement issues, provide examples of observable implications, and explain/justify case selection. This paper must include at least 20 references in addition to the course readings and must demonstrate the integration of biblical principles. The paper must be written in current APA format.

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