MILT 325 Resilient Marriage and Family

This course addresses precepts essential to the development of healthy and resilient military marriages and families. Topics include pre-deployment preparation, deployment, and post-deployment reintegration. Special emphasis is given to the stresses, challenges, and therapeutic needs of military families.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

Work and family are two significant life domains. The course covers the relationship between the work organization and the family in the United States military. Counselors and other mental health professionals are increasingly encountering client populations that are impacted by concerns related to military operations. Service members and their families have been subjected to frequent and extended deployments during wars that have had far-reaching influence on the military families and society as a whole. A bio-psycho-social-spiritual framework will be used for understanding military families and the Service members who defend our nation.

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

No details available.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (4)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will complete 4 Discussions throughout the course. Threads to the prompt must be a minimum 350 words, and replies to at least 2 classmates’ threads must be a minimum of 200 words. (Relates to Learning Outcomes A, B, C, and D)

Project Presentation: Topic Submission Assignment

In preparation for the Project Presentation that is due later in the course, the student will explore topic ideas relating to military families that he/she would like to use for his/her presentation and identify a specific topic for the presentation. (Relates to Learning Outcome A).  Review of the Project Presentation: Final Submission Assignment Instructions should occur so that the scope of the project is understood.

Project Presentation: Outline Assignment

In preparation for the Project Presentation that is due later in the course, the student will complete an outline of the presentation for the instructor to review and provide feedback. (Relates to Learning Outcomes B, C, and D)

Policy Paper Assignment

The student will write a Policy Paper regarding military family policy based on relevant research. The student must present evidence bearing all sides of the policy and make a recommendation on the basis of the weight of the evidence. (Relates to Learning Outcome B)

Project Presentation: Final Submission Assignment

The student will create a presentation on a topic relating to military families. The project must include the use of PowerPoint and a document that outlines how the presentation would be given. (Relates to Learning Outcomes A, B, C, and D)

Reading Report Assignment

Required reading is essential for successfully accomplishing the objectives of this course. Recommended reading can further enhance the student’s knowledge base and prepare him/her for a more meaningful career but is not required to be included in the reading report. The student will submit an estimate of a percentage of the required reading that he/she has completed for the course. (Relates to Learning Outcome A)

Quizzes (3)

There will be 3 objective quizzes throughout the course. The quizzes will consist of multiple-choice and true/false questions. The student is NOT permitted to consult with anyone on the quizzes, take the quizzes in groups, or share answers. Integrity, professionalism, and godly comportment are expected. (Relates to Learning Outcome A)

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