JURI 545 Healthcare Compliance
Course Description
This course provides an overview of the subject of healthcare compliance. Healthcare compliance is the ongoing process of meeting the applicable legal, ethical, and professional standards set by government agencies and third party players. Subjects to be covered include how healthcare organizations can develop and administer effective standards, policies, and procedures to screen and evaluate employees and physicians, communicate and educate on compliance issues, develop monitoring, auditing and internal reporting systems and investigate non-compliance and take appropriate disciplinary and other remedial measures.
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.
A plethora of state and federal laws and administrative regulations govern healthcare organizations and give rise to the necessity of compliance and compliance programs. A professional working in the healthcare area must be familiar with this complicated compliance environment. Therefore, the purpose of this course is to equip the student with an overview of healthcare compliance to enable him or her to serve as a competent professional in today’s healthcare industry.
Course Assignment
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After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. Each thread must be 750 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and include at least 3 citations to scholarly, academic, and/or legal sources. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ posts. Each reply must be 250 words and include at least 1 citation to a scholarly, academic, and/or legal source. References in both initial threads and replies will be in current Bluebook format.
Memorandum assignments require the student to draft a memorandum to a hypothetical client responding to the questions posed in the provided prompt for each assignment. Memorandum assignments must be in good Bluebook format and must be at least 1,750 words in length. The memorandum assignments must cite and use at least 5 scholarly, academic or legal sources.

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