Expository Preaching and Teaching and the New Testament – HOMI 830

CG • Section 8WK • 11/08/2019 to 04/16/2020 • Modified 02/01/2024

Course Description

This course is designed to prepare students to preach from the New Testament. Special attention will be given to genres and theological themes that arise from the New Testament text.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.


The purpose of this course is to equip the student with the skills required to preach faithful exposition of New Testament texts. The student will learn how to diagram New Testament passages for faithful interpretation and application of the biblical text. The student will also learn how to discern different biblical genres from the New Testament and structure sermons accordingly.

Course Assignment

Textbook readings and lecture presentations/notes

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (3)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each Discussion. The student will complete 3 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 400 words. The student must then post 2 replies of at least 150 words. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 3 scholarly citations in current Turabian format. Each reply must incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation in current Turabian format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the Bible, course textbooks, and other books on preaching. (CLO: B)

Video Sermon Review Assignments (3)

The student will write 3 reviews of video sermons in current Turabian format that focus on the main divisions/points and analyze the message (via strengths and weaknesses). Each review must contain a summary, a critique, and conclude with its personal significance or lessons gleaned for the student. Each review must be at least 750 words. (CLO: A)

Diagram, Tracing, and Outline Assignments (3)

The student will diagram 3 New Testament texts in Greek or English. Each of these assignments will include a diagram, a tracing of the argument in English, and a possible outline for preaching. The student must select a biblical text from the approved passages from the following genres: epistle, apocalyptic, and narrative. (CLOs: A, C)

Sermon Manuscript and Video Assignments (2)

The student will write 2 sermon manuscripts of what he/she plans to say in preaching the chosen biblical texts from an epistle and a narrative. Each sermon manuscript will come from the corresponding diagram, tracing, and outline. The sermon manuscript must be a minimum of 3,000 words in current Turabian format and expound the biblical passage. The sermon manuscript must include at least 5 scholarly sources (commentaries, articles, Bible dictionaries, etc.) in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. Additionally, the student must record himself/herself preaching these two sermons to an audience of 5 or more people.. The videos must be 20–30 minutes and uploaded in the course. (CLOs: A, C)

Sermon Manuscript Assignment

The student will write a sermon manuscripts of what he/she plans to say in preaching the chosen biblical texts from the apocalyptic genre. The sermon manuscript will come from the corresponding diagram, tracing, and outline. The sermon manuscript must be a minimum of 3,000 words in current Turabian format and expound the biblical passage. The sermon manuscript must include at least 5 scholarly sources (commentaries, articles, Bible dictionaries, etc.) in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. (CLOs: A, C)

Book Review Assignment

The student will write a 1,500-word (minimum) book review of a selected textbook in current Turabian format. The review must contain an overview of the book, including what the author set out to prove. The review must also provide an analysis (via strengths and weaknesses) and conclude with its personal significance for the student. A minimum of 6 references in current Turabian format is required. (CLOs: A, B, C)

Preaching Calendar Assignment

The student will write a plan for preaching through the entire New Testament. The student must include the order of the books he/she would preach, provide a title for each series, and list the number of weeks each series/book will take. The preaching calendar must be submitted with at least 2 columns (number of weeks, book with series titles). (CLO: D)