HLTH 660 Water, Soil, and Health
Course Description
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.
The student will gain an understanding of water and soil and their relationship to human health. This course will be helpful for those wishing to serve in the environmental health context, as well as those interested in increasing their awareness of water resources and management policies. Water and soil are involved in our daily life activities and in our health (Leviticus 15:11, Isaiah 35:7, Ezekiel 34:18). God leads us to refreshing waters and green pastures (Psalm 23:1–2).
Course Assignment
Textbook readings and lecture presentations
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Course Requirements Checklist
After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Discussions (4)
Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will complete four Discussions in this course. For each Discussion, the student will post one substantive, well-developed thread of at least 400 words. The student must then post two replies of at least 200 words that extend meaningful discussion by analyzing classmates’ threads. For each thread, the student must support his or her assertions with at least two scholarly citations in AMA format. Each reply must incorporate at least two scholarly citations in AMA format. Scriptural, theological, and worldview engagement must be used where appropriate and grounded in hermeneutical methods. Any scholarly articles cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include government websites, the textbooks, academic books, scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles, and the Bible. Scholarly citations are not required for the thread or replies in the Discussion: Service Learning Activity. (CLO: A, C, D, E, F, G, I)
Case Study Assignments (2)
The student will select, analyze, and summarize a proposed or final environmental health regulation pertaining to water and soil in his or her locality and its impact on human health. Each paper will contain two parts. The first part of the paper will focus on scientific research related to an environmental health topic. The second part of each paper will require the student to address a theological question/topic in light of a biblical worldview and the Learn items from the module. For the first part, the student will write a 2–3-page summary of the statute or regulation and argue the pros and cons, clearly describing at least 3 impacts or challenges from the case study. The paper should summarize the case study’s major points, focusing on 3 key aspects, and fully respond to the specific prompts provided for each assignment. For the second part, the student will write a 1-page engagement with theological reflections. The paper must use current AMA format and include at least five peer-reviewed or governmental sources published within the past five years. The student must also provide biblical support for environmental health regulation and describe how specific Scripture applies. (CLO: A, B, D, E, F, G, I)
Research Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment
The purpose of this Research Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment is to prepare the student for the Research Paper: Final Assignment due later in the course. The subject matter will involve a specific environmental health issue dealing with water or soil and will be selected by the student in consultation with the instructor. The student will select 15 peer-reviewed articles or primary government studies from the past five years of public health literature and generate a bibliography using current AMA format. The student will also write a 100–200-word synopsis/critique of each article to be included as an annotation in the bibliography. (CLO: C, D, F, G, H, I)
Research Paper: Final Assignment
The student will write a 7–10-page research paper (not including the title page, references, or appendices) in current AMA format based on a topic relevant to the course material. The subject matter will be selected by the student in consultation with the instructor. The student will choose a specific environmental health issue dealing with water or soil in relation to the environment and human health from the peer-reviewed public health literature. The student will provide strategies to minimize the environmental impact (water or soil) on health. The paper must include the following: introduction, background, current research efforts, discussion, recommendations, and environmental stewardship. When addressing environmental stewardship, the student should include a Christian perspective and scriptural support. The paper must include at least five references from the Research Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment, and references must be from the past five years. The student will use the non-structured abstract AMA Template from the Liberty University Online Writing Center to complete this assignment. (CLO: C, F)
Service Learning Experience Project Assignment
During this course, the student will select an organization that has an emphasis on either environmental health, global health, infectious diseases in general, and/or a particular infectious disease related to water or soil in environmental health. Once the student has made a selection, he or she will devote 8 hours of volunteer time to the organization working on a project and/or task mutually agreed upon by the student and his or her point of contact with the organization. The student will share information about the organization during the Discussion: Service Learning Activity and when submitting the Service Learning Experience Project Template to complete the assignment. The student will use the template to track the dates and number of hours worked for the organization and record details of each activity. The student will obtain a signature from his or her supervising member for each date. The template consists of five questions, and each response must be at least 150 words and address public health competencies. All references must be cited in current AMA format. (CLO: D, E, F, H)
Quizzes (4)
There will be a quiz every two weeks that covers the Learn material pertaining to the assigned modules. Each quiz will be open-book/open-notes and contain 10 multiple-choice or true/false questions. Each quiz will be one hour. Each quiz allows one attempt. (CLO: A, B, D, E)

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