HLSC 710 Contemporary Issues in Cyber Security and WMD (CBRNE) Threat Analysis
Course Description
This course will teach the student to identify the ways that cyber technology can be used by terrorists and criminals. Students completing this course will be able to appraise and assess the potential of different kinds of cyber and WMD attacks. Cyber and WMD threats and proliferation of WMD present challenges to homeland security and create legitimate concerns about our Nation’s ability to prevent cyber and WMD attacks. The course examines technological advancements and the opportunities they present for terrorists and other hostile actors, as well as how one can devise plans, countermeasures, and contingencies against cyber and WMD attacks.
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.
The purpose of this course is to examine weapons of mass destruction (CBRNE & Cyber) threats posed by terrorist organizations, other adversaries, as well as accidents or naturally-occurring events. In order to prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and recover from CBRNE and Cyber incidents, it is important to not only understand the threats faced but the potential impacts from the use of such weapons.
Course Assignment
Course Requirements Checklist
After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Discussions (8)
There will be 8 Discussions throughout this course. Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided topic for each discussion. Each thread is to be at least 450 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and cite at least 2 sources. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be at least 200 words.
Research Paper: A Comprehensive Examination of the Cyber Security Threat Assignment
The student will complete a Research Paper which will be a Comprehensive Examination of the Cyber Security Threat. This paper will be exhaustive. The student will provide the following using these headings: historical reference points in cyber security; critical infrastructure and cyber security; cyber security and critical infrastructure protection – engineering and design concepts and include mitigation, resiliency, and redundancy; cyber intelligence, conflict, and warfare; cyber security legal issues; economic costs of cyber security, and the future threat landscape involving cyber security. The student will write at minimum a 12–15 full-page, research-oriented paper in current APA format. The paper must include at least 20 sources (which can include the course textbook).
Research Paper: Weapons of Mass Destruction Threat Assignment
The student will complete a Research Paper which will be a Comprehensive Examination of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Threat. This paper will be exhaustive. The student will provide the following using these headings:
- Historical reference points in WMD use as weapons.
- Critical infrastructure and WMD use from a preparedness as well as mitigation perspective.
- an examination of each CBRNE including this sub headings discussions (cover each group in their entirety before moving on to the next): brief overview of each CBRNE as a group – in other words C – Chemical weapons or agents; most common agents or weapons in the Chemical group.
- Most common delivery systems for this group.
- Lethality and other pertinent facts that are specific for this group.
- For each group discuss the impact, likelihood by probability and impact; do this for each CBRNE group.
- After chemical do biological, radioactive, nuclear, and finally explosive. Conclude with your thought regarding future threat landscape involving CBRNE/ WMD.
The student will write at minimum a 12 full-page, research-oriented paper in current APA format. The paper must include at least 20 sources (which can include the course textbooks).
Training Presentation Assignment
Option A: Comprehensive Examination of the Cyber Security Threat Training Presentation
The student will prepare a PowerPoint presentation wherein he or she will design training which will cover everything discussed in the written paper he or she completed on this same topic in this course. Each section that was written and covered in the paper needs to be discussed, but the training video will end with additional information that will include contingencies and countermeasures to a cyber-attack or intrusion. A minimum of 20 content slides (not including the cover and reference slides) are required. The presentation needs to be at least 15 minutes long and should last no more than 30 minutes maximum.
Option B: Comprehensive Examination of the WMD (CBRNE) Threat Training Presentation
The student will prepare a PowerPoint (Audio/Visual) presentation wherein he or she will design training which will cover everything discussed in the written paper he or she completed on this same topic in this course. Each section that was written and covered in the paper needs to be discussed, but the training video will end with additional information that will include contingencies and countermeasures to a WMD/CBRNE attack. A minimum of 20 content slides (not including the cover and reference slides) are required. The presentation needs to be at least 15 minutes long and should last no more than 30 minutes maximum.

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