EDUC 524 Collaborating for Successful Inclusive Classrooms

A study of the types and characteristics of students with learning disabilities. Emphasis will be placed on classroom intervention strategies. Field experience required.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

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Beginning special educators must be equipped to develop individualized programs, instruction, and supports to ensure students with exceptionalities have access to the general education curriculum. The focus is on planning programs, instruction, and supports to ensure access to the general education curriculum for diverse learners.

Textbook readings and lecture presentations/notes

No details available.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in Module/Week 1.

Class Introductions

In Module/Week 1, the candidate will participate in an introduction discussion forum. The introduction thread should include a picture of the candidate alone and general biographical information about the candidate.

Discussion Board Forums (2)

Discussion boards are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the candidate is required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. In forum 1, the initial thread must be 400 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and contain a minimum of one citation in current APA format to support assertions. In addition to the thread, the candidate is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be 200 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and contain a minimum of one citation in current APA format to support assertions. (CLO: B, C, D)

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

This is a three-part assignment that involves (a) drafting IEP goals and associated accommodations given a student’s Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP), (b) developing the IEP, and (c) reflecting on the development of an IEP and IEP meetings for a student with a disability. (CLO: B, C)

  1. Part I: Goals & Accommodations
  2. Part II: IEP Development
  3. Part III: Reflection on IEP Meetings and Development

Teaching Strategy and Pedagogy Glossary

The candidate will develop a personal glossary where they will record important or unfamiliar terms, concepts, pedagogies, and strategies they would like to explore. This purpose of this assignment is to involve the candidate in identifying, understanding evidence-based instructional practices, teaching strategies as well as, serve as a diagnostic self-monitoring tool. The candidate will complete the glossary template for 15 entries dealing with reading and/or math instruction and teaching methods dealing with Attention and/or Study Skills. The candidate will complete the given template for each entry which includes a graphic organizer or visual for each teaching strategy and/or term. (CLO: B, C, D)

PRAXIS Practice Test Assignment (2)

The candidate will complete a Praxis Core practice test and the Praxis Special Education Subject practice test at  The candidate will submit a screen shot of the completed practice test with results. This description does not replace the full assignment instructions in Blackboard.

Differentiated Unit Plan

The candidate will create a Differentiated Unit Plan for one week of instruction in math and one week of instruction in literacy submitted through LiveText. The unit plan should be written for a middle school grade level (6–8) with tiered instruction meeting the needs of individual learners functioning above grade level (secondary), on grade level (middle school), and below grade level (elementary).  In addition to providing tiered instruction, the candidate must differentiate each lesson to meet the exceptional learning needs of specific students included in the DUP student descriptions given. (CLO: A, B, C, D)

The project will be completed in three stages as described below:

  1. DUP Part I: Literacy Unit Plan
  2. DUP Part II: Math Unit Plan
  3. DUP Part III: Unit Accommodation Plan

Quizzes (6)

The quizzes will cover the Reading & Study materials for the assigned module/week. It will be open-book/open-notes, contain multiple choice questions and have a 2-hour time limit. (CLO: B, C, D)

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