EDGT 692 School of Education Gate 3 – Graduate Advanced Licensure
Course Description
This course is intended to provide guidance and information regarding the application requirements for Internship (Gate 3). Candidates will submit Gate 3 Application requirements in this course.
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.
This course should be taken the semester prior to Internship (excluding the Summer semester).
Course Assignment
Course Requirements Checklist
After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Quizzes (14)
To submit the assignments required in this course, the student will need to access the Gate 3 Application. For each assignment, the student will need to complete the step of the Gate 3 Application that is required for that assignment. Once the student has completed that step in the application portal, the student will need to access the quiz in Canvas that aligns with that assignment and complete the quiz.
1. Intention Quiz
This quiz will determine when the student intends to complete Student Teaching.
2. Student Information Quiz
This quiz will confirm that the student has completed the Student Information step of the Gate 3 Application.
3. Internship Agreement Quiz
This quiz will confirm that the student has completed the Internship Agreement step of the Gate 3 Application.
4. Teaching Experience & License Quiz
This quiz will determine that the student has completed at least one year of teaching experience and holds a current teaching license.
5. DCPA Quiz
This quiz will confirm that the student’s Degree Completion Plan Audit shows proof of at least a 3.0 GPA, Gate 2 clearance, and that the student is registered for all remaining courses, aside from Internship.
6. Licensure Exam Quiz
This quiz will confirm that the student has submitted an official passing score report for the required licensure exam in the Gate 3 Application portal.
7. Background Check Quiz
This quiz will confirm that the student has submitted a copy of his/her Criminal clearance report, FBI Fingerprinting clearance report, and Virginia Child Abuse Registry report (if the student is completing student teaching in Virginia) in the Gate 3 Application portal.
8. Internship Placement Request Quiz
This quiz will confirm that the student has submitted a copy of his/her Internship Placement Request Form in the Gate 3 Application portal.
9. Internship Plan for Placement Quiz
This quiz will confirm that the student has submitted a copy of his/her Plan to complete the required Internship hours in the Gate 3 Application portal.
10. TB Test Quiz
This quiz will confirm that the student has submitted a copy of his/her negative TB Test/Screening in the Gate 3 Application portal.
11. Professional Liability Insurance Quiz
This quiz will confirm that the student has submitted a copy of his/her professional liability insurance coverage in the Gate 3 Application portal.
12. Child Abuse and Neglect Training
All individuals seeking initial licensure are required to complete a child abuse recognition and intervention course that meets Board of Education approved guidelines. This quiz will confirm that the candidate has submitted a copy of his/her Child Abuse and Neglect Training certificate in the Gate 3 Application portal, if required by the candidate’s program.
13. Restraint and Seclusion Training
All individuals seeking initial licensure are required to complete training on the regulations governing the use of restraint and seclusion in elementary and secondary schools in Virginia. This quiz will confirm that the candidate has submitted a copy of his/her restraint and seclusion training certificate in the Gate 3 Application portal.
14. Emergency First Aid, CPR & AED Training
Every person seeking initial licensure shall provide evidence of the completion of certification or training in emergency first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the use of automated external defibrillators. This quiz will confirm that the candidate has submitted a copy of his/her emergency first aid, CPR & AED training certificate in the Gate 3 Application portal.

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