EDCO 826 Growth & Development of the Pastoral Counselor
Course Description
Drawing upon Master’s level study of the person in life and ministry, additional factors are explored to develop an Evangelical Christian growth and development strategy for the doctoral level pastoral counselor. Research and assessment provide the foundation for this course as participants develop an understanding of their primary and functional purpose in ministry’s highly relational network.
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
Ministry’s highly relational network presents a myriad of challenges for today’s people helpers, especially church counselors. Pertinent research suggests efficient and effective people-helping engagement requires informed self-awareness and research-based preventative-care strategies to be employed under the influence of a well-defined primary and functional relational purpose. This course provides students with pertinent material to develop a paradigm and process to flourish in the pursuit of growing in favor with God and others.
Course Assignment
Textbook readings, self-administered assessments (3) and lecture presentations/notes
No details available.
Course Requirements Checklist
After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Discussion: Self-Narrated Class Introduction
The student will build a clear, informative, and appealing video introduction in response to the following prompts:
• Where you live (state or country only)
• Family, hobbies/interests, and anything else you want to share about yourself
• Which specific degree you are pursuing
• Current job
• Your plan after this course (For example: How many courses to graduation? Do you plan
to begin a new job as a result of your degree? Do you plan to continue your education
towards a higher degree?)
• What you would like to learn from this course
Discussions (4)
Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Due to the nature of these connected, collaborative, cumulative research-based discussions, assignment expectations create a “paper-like feel” (i.e. more is expected than in typical discussion arenas). The student will write a research-based thread in response to each prompt. With the exception of the final Discussion: The Value of Rational Meaningful Detachments (see Final Discussion Rubric), each thread must be at least 600 words and meaningfully/noticeably employ ALL course-related knowledge-to-date (see Course Schedule). In the same module, the student will write a research-based reply to 1 other classmate’s threads. Each reply must meaningfully/noticeably employ at least 1 course related insight and be at least 250 words.
Since these discussions inform the cumulative learning experience, thoughtful integration of insights must be noticeably supported from the required sources/readings-to-date, and when appropriate, the Bible. All posts must follow current APA standards. An annotated outline approach is required and must be written with clarity and conciseness, without spelling, grammar, word choice errors, and adhere to Discussion Guidelines and Rubrics. (CLOs: A, B, C, D, E. F )
Subject Matter Conversation Assignments (2)
Subject Matter Conversations (SMC) are intentionally designed to create meaningful learning experiences between the faculty member and students. Students are required to identify and carefully respond to one of nine questions for these assignments. Throughout the course there will be two opportunities to connect via Microsoft Teams; however, the student has the choice to attend one of the SMCs or get the necessary information from the provided assignment details. Students are highly encouraged to attend the SMCs. Links to these meetings will be sent at the start of the term. (CLOs: A, B, C, D, E)
Practical Book Review Assignments (2)
The student will follow current APA standards and write 2 book reviews to resource the cumulative learning process. The first Practical Book Review will solely address the Ortberg text and the second Practical Book Review – Issler text. The body of the paper must be at least 4 pages and follow current APA standards. The assignment must be written with clarity and conciseness, without spelling, grammar, word choice errors, and adhere to instructions and rubric expectations. (CLOs: A, D, E)
Bounce Journal Assignments (3)
In service to the development of a preventative self-care strategy, the student will write a journal with a 3 part submission (i.e., 1 journal entry per submission, at least 4 designated citations, and at least 2 pages) from Bounce: Living the Resilient Life. The journal must be written with clarity and conciseness, without spelling, grammar, word choice errors, and adhere to instructions and rubric expectations. (CLOs: A, D)
Self-Administered Assessment Assignment
Students will take the three online assessments: The Taking Flight DISC Profile, Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Appraisal Test, and the BeMIS Adjective Checklist. These assessments provide language and skills to understand yourself and others. These are not infallible sources of information, instead, consider them to be sources of meaningful commentary for every relational context. Students will create a well-crafted, brief synopsis using the questions provided in the assignment instructions.
Bounce Forward Final Project Assignment
In service to growing in favor with God in a specific way (e.g., attentive, considerate) in specific relational context (e.g., wife-husband, son-father), the student will meaningfully/noticeably employ at least 1 insight from each reading, assessment, lecture, and subject matter conversation. An evolving structure (i.e., annotated outline via Microsoft Office doc./docx. document, at least 8 pages) will guide its future application. The paper must be written with clarity and conciseness, without spelling, grammar, word choice errors, and adhere to instructions and rubric expectations. Comply with current APA standards. (CLOs: A, B, C, D, E. F )
Quizzes (2)
There are two self-report quizzes: 1) subscription to Question & Answer Center (QAC) and 2) completion of Module 1 Readings. (CLO: A)
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