EDAS 748 School District Finance and Organizational Management
Course Description
This course addresses the role of district-level leadership in system operations, including budget preparation, fiscal management, administration of auxiliary services (food service, transportation, etc.), human resources (salaries, benefits, hiring costs, professional development, etc.) and policy development. Related topics address equity issues, taxation, statutory mandates, facility management, technology infrastructures, and school safety.
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.
Financial and managerial leadership of a school building or district is a primary factor in the success or failure of school instructional programs. This course provides an opportunity for public and private school practicing and prospective superintendents to gain an understanding of their role in these critical areas. A comprehensive understanding of the financial implications of systemic reform, centralized goal setting, accountability standards, and decentralized forms of site-based management, school choice, charter schools, and the voucher system will be the main focus of this study. It is essential that a school system superintendent have more than a cursory knowledge of all aspects of school finance including local and state tax structures, federal funding, state funding formulas, along with various budgeting procedures, collaboration with key stakeholder groups, and understanding the issues surrounding the various types of school and districts including private (non-church-related schools), private church-related schools, rural public-school systems, and metropolitan public-school systems.
Course Assignment
Textbook readings and lecture presentations
No details available.
Course Requirements Checklist
After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the candidate will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Discussions (3)
Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the candidate is required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each Discussion. The Discussions will be spread out over 2 modules with the thread due in the first module and the replies due in the following module. Each thread must be at least 500 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. A minimum of 2 scholarly references in current APA format are required. In addition to the thread, the candidate is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be at least 250 words and include at least 1 scholarly reference in current APA format. (CLO: B, C, F)
Program Financial Review: Resource Analysis Assignment
The candidate will submit this assignment in two parts. The first part includes an analysis of financial processes and operations, identifying and explaining critical areas of need for additional resources, and prioritizing challenges resulting in operational policies and procedures based on the funding of programs within their chosen district/school system. The candidate will complete all assignment aspects according to the provided steps for each section. The candidate will then prepare a PowerPoint presentation based on the above analysis by advocating for equitable distribution of resources. This paper must contain at least 750 words. (CLO: A, B, F)
Program Financial Review: Operational Systems Audit Assignment
The candidate will submit this assignment in three parts: budget review interview and collaboration, document analysis, and a recommendation regarding operational systems. First, the candidate will interview a school or district leader familiar with operational systems used to allocate physical and human resources using guided questions. The candidate will then review and analyze documentation related to the interview. Finally, the candidate will develop 2–3 recommendations for the school/district related to the priority identified in the Program Financial Review: Resource Analysis Assignment. This paper must contain at least 750 words. (CLO: A, B, F)
Program Financial Review: Goals and Strategies Assignment
The candidate will submit this assignment in two parts. Based on the results of the Program Financial Review: Resource Analysis Assignment and Program Financial Review: Operational Systems Audit Assignment, the candidate will develop three financial SMART goals and will provide a rationale for each SMART goal. Then, the candidate will propose two strategies needed to implement each goal and how these goals will support equitable programs. The candidate must ensure that the goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Research-based, and Time-sensitive). This paper must contain at least 750 words. (CLO: A, B, D, E)
Program Financial Review: Resource Management Plan Assignment
The candidate will submit this assignment in three parts. Based on the results of the Program Financial Review: Goals and Strategies Assignment, the candidate will project the resources needed to accomplish the goals and strategies. The candidate will then develop a three-year fiscal plan and annual program budget that aligns with the school/district priorities. Finally, the candidate will describe how the data will be used ethically and equitably to develop the multi-year plan and how it aligns with the school/district vision and mission. This paper must contain at least 750 words. (CLO: A, B, D, E)
Program Financial Review: Financial Accountability Plan Assignment
The candidate will complete this assignment in two parts. First, the candidate will evaluate the school’s or district’s policies with regard to legal, ethical, and equity issues using a provided list of topics. The candidate will include a monitoring plan for Goals and Strategies and Resource Management. Then, the candidate will develop a one-page handout/flyer designed to be shared with appropriate stakeholders. (CLO: A, B, D, E)
Program Financial Review: Final Submission Assignment
The candidate will compile and submit the revised Program Financial Review: Resource Analysis, Program Financial Review: Operational Systems Audit, Program Financial Review: Goals and Strategies, Program Financial Review: Resource Management Plan, and the Program Financial Review: Financial Accountability Plan Assignments to Canvas and CORE at the end of the course. (CLO: A, B, D, E, F)
Essays Assignments (6)
For each Essays Assignment, the student will respond to the provided prompts. The response to each prompt must be at lease 250 words and must be supported with at least two scholarly citations/references in current APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the course textbook, the Bible, and course-related articles. (CLO: A, B, C, D, E, F)

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