EDAS 647 School Law

An examination of the legal aspects of education affecting administrators, teachers, students, parents and board members; various forms of liability; separation of church and state.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

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Christian, private, and public school administrators are responsible for upholding the law as it applies to personnel, business contracts, meeting student needs, and operating an institution. Administrators must have knowledge of the law in terms of its direct application to the educational setting.

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

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Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the candidate will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (2)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the candidate will participate in 2 Discussions throughout this course. In each discussion, the candidate will submit a thread of at least 350 words and at least 2 replies of at least 150 words each. Each thread must be supported with at least two scholarly citations in current APA format and each reply must incorporate at least one scholarly citation in current APA format. (CLO: B, C, D, E, F)

Case Review Assignment

The candidate will review and reflect upon 3 different precedent-setting case scenarios. Each case review must be at least 2 pages, provide citations for relevant case facts, a reference page, and adhere to current APA formatting. (CLO: F)

Practicum Requirements (3)

Quiz: Practicum Proposal

The candidate is required to complete 30 practicum hours in a school in order to pass this course.

Quiz: Field Experience Completion Documentation

The candidate will complete this in the provided form and include relevant information from the practicum. This assignment is required in order to pass this course (CLO: C, D, F).

Quiz: Field Experience Assessment (FEA)

The candidate’s onsite mentor will complete the FEA online. This score will then be reflected in the course. The mentor will receive an e-mail from Liberty with a link, username, and password to access the FEA. This assignment is required in order to pass this course (CLO: C, D, F).

Legal Entanglement Project Assignments (7)

Legal Entanglement Project: Part 1 – Topic Selection and Ethical Analysis Assignment

The first step in selecting a topic is for the candidate to evaluate school strategies, policies, programs, and practices regarding their ethical and/or legal implications. The purpose of the analysis is to select a meaningful and relevant topic in a particular school. The topic is to be a legal and/or ethical issue that—left unaddressed—could escalate into a legal entanglement. (CLO: B, C, F).

Legal Entanglement Project: Part 1 – Preliminary Communication and Advocacy Plan Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to present the existing or created policy (determined in the Topic Selection and Ethical Analysis Assignment) to select families/caregivers, colleagues, special/general education teacher(s), supervisors/administrators, and students (i.e., stakeholders) and gather their feedback on the issue. (CLO: B, C, D, F).

Legal Entanglement Project: Part 2 – Professional Norms Knowledge Base Assignment

In this next section of the course project, the candidate will research current case law and professional literature connected to a selected policy and topic. The candidate will communicate the professional norms that are directly related to the selected legal entanglement issue. (CLO: C, D)

Legal Entanglement Project: Part 2 – Personal Reflection and Communication of Professional Norms Assignment

The candidate will reflect on modeling and communicating professional norms discussed from the three sources previously addressed (i.e., MCEE, case law, and professional literature). (CLO: C, E, F).

Legal Entanglement Project: Part 3 – Policies and Procedures Assignment

This part of the project includes two areas to address. The first will require using research from Part 2 to delve into root causes of the selected policy and issues and how a policy revision will address those root causes. The second part requires a formal policy recommendation based on the candidate’s research and how these specific recommendations are expected to result in changes for the school and/or school community. The candidate will also address areas of communication strategies designed to provide information to stakeholders in the school community. (CLO:.C, E, F)

Legal Entanglement Project: Part 4 – Presentation Assignment

As a culminating work in this project, the candidate will create a professional slide presentation for the recommended policy. This is intended to be a formal presentation in which the candidate will demonstrate advocacy as a leader in addressing a critical area for the school and school community. (CLO: B, C, D, E, F)

Legal Entanglement Project: Final Submission Assignment

The candidate will submit all of the previously completed project assignments into a final submission of the Legal Entanglement Project. The candidate should use feedback from each of the previously submitted assignments prior to submitting the final project. The candidate will submit all previous submissions with changes/corrections highlighted to both Canvas and CORE. (CLO: A, B, C, D, E, F)

Quizzes (3)

The candidate will complete 3 open-book/open-notes quizzes based on the textbook readings. Each quiz has a time limit of 1 hour and consists of multiple-choice and true/false questions that cover material from the textbook. Please note, questions are NOT limited to the readings for that specific week. (CLO: A, B, C, D, E, F)

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