CLCM 530 Creating Christian Community Online

Is physical presence a requirement for authentic Christian community? This course examines the debate between those who advocate incarnated community and those who argue that Christian community is unconstrained by time and place because of the omnipresent ministry of the Holy Spirit. Attention is given to the biblical and theological concept of the communion of the saints and its significance for the creation and formation of online communities of faith.

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Course Guide

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*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

This course falls within the Digital Theology Domain of Digital Ministry Practice. As such, this course provides students with a biblical-theological as well as sociological description of community that will serve as a baseline of best practice for online church ministry.

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After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each Discussion. Each thread must be addressed adequately and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Each thread must be a minimum of 200 words. Where applicable, references are cited in current Turabian format. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be a minimum of 200 words. Where applicable, references are cited in current Turabian format. Each reply must be addressed adequately. (CLO: B)

Over the period of this course, the student will be compiling a Resource Guide that will comprise a curated collection. This collection will be made available to the class and must be constructed accordingly. This will serve as the student’s overall course project. The Resource Guide: Part 1 —Biblical-Theological Overview Summary Review Assignment must affirm at least 1 point in the resource and critique at least 1 point in the resource. Further, it must raise issues for further consideration based on the overall analysis of the readings. This assignment must be 1 page in current Turabian format. The Resource Guide: Part 2 — Biblical-Theological Overview Final Review Assignment must be a 3–5 page biblical, theological, and philosophical overview regarding the notion of online Christian community. It must incorporate required reading, fellow student summaries, discussion forum engagement, and personal experiences. Current Turabian format must be used. (CLO: A)

With a view toward compiling the Resource Guide, the student will continue building content by identifying resources for a digital toolbox. In this module, the student will be doing some exploratory work by reviewing digital resources. The Resource Guide: Part 3 — Digital Toolbox Outline Assignment requires that the student conduct a search for digital tools (websites, apps, interactive elements, etc.) that address 3 of the listed 6 dimensions. A minimum of 1 digital tool is required. The resource (digital tool) must include a corporate element. This assignment must be 1 page in current Turabian format. The Resource Guide: Part 4 — Digital Toolbox Resources Assignment must include 1 document with a 1/2-page to 1-page review of each of the resources located. Current Turabian format must be used. (CLO: B)

As a way of engaging in online Christian community, the student will develop an emerging model that identifies salient points, necessary ingredients, and required assessment. For the Resource Guide: Part 5 — Emerging Model Attend Assignment, the student must attend an online service (live or recorded), choosing 1 of the options provided, and post a brief reflection of the experience. Current Turabian format must be used. The Resource Guide: Part 6 — Emerging Model Engage Assignment must include 4–6 of the most important elements that should be present in online Christian community, a brief biblical-theological rationale, and an evaluation rubric or measurement that could be used to assess adequate community development. The presentation of this model can take any number of forms including narrative description, illustrated infographic, expanded outline, etc. (CLO: A)

For the Resource Guide: Part 7 — Final Edition Assessment Assignment, as a way of engaging the model in application and assessment, the student will conduct an evaluation and submit an assessment of online Christian community of a faith-based ministry. The student must conduct an evaluation and assessment of the service attended, based on the emerging model. This evaluation and assessment could take the form of a simple rubric, narrative overview, or chart. It must be adequate in length and scope and must fully address the elements needed for adequate online Christian community. The assessment must include a succinct summary reflection and recommendation. The Research Guide must be adequate in scope and focus and must be in current Turabian format.  (CLO: C)

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