CJUS 382 Critical Infrastructure Protection

Identification, prioritization, and protection of critical infrastructure including agriculture, cyber and information technology, telecommunications, chemical, transportation, energy, water, medical, emergency services, and postal and shipping. Impact on personal safety, structural integrity and security, and economic performance.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

This course cultivates an understanding of different cultures and international actions. It promotes an understanding of Western tradition and American historical aspects of emergency management with a focus on critical infrastructure and fosters university-level competencies in writing, speaking, reading, analytical reasoning, computer literacy, and research. It challenges the student to acquire knowledge independently through research of the sciences and promotes the evaluation of moral and ethical decision-making. The student will develop competence in determining an approach to vocation. This course nurtures the maturing of spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical qualities through the synthesis of academic knowledge and Christian values. It cultivates the sensitivity to others with commitment to better humanity and encourages commitment to Christian life while actively communicating the Christian faith, personal integrity, and social responsibility, all achieved through Jesus Christ the Lord and personal Savior.

Textbook readings and lecture presentations/notes

No details available.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (8)

Discussion questions will be posted each Module: Week. Threads in response to the questions must reflect critical thought, relate the course content to real-world applications with biblical perspectives, and cite any sources used. The thread must be at least 250–300 words. The student must post at least 2 replies to other students’ threads. The replies must be 100–150 words each.

Unlike formal written assignments, the instructor does not require that the threads adhere to specific formatting requirements. However, make sure to proofread carefully as grammar and spelling errors may impact the grading. Participation is very important online and impacts the grade as well. Participation consists of notes the student sends above and beyond graded assignments. Note that both quantity and quality are important considerations when it comes to participation. For example, a message which simply expresses agreement does not constitute participation, because it does not add anything of substance to the discussion. To earn full participation points, the student must add substance to the discussion—this would consist of new ideas, perspectives, pointed follow-up questions, etc.

Airport Assessment: Initial Assignment

The student will comprise a comprehensive analysis of all potential threats and vulnerabilities at the Richmond International Airport. The student will review the building plan, services, and map links. This assessment must be conducted without consideration to, or analysis of, existing measures. This is the student’s personal assessment based on his/her knowledge gained from the information in this course and any outside sources they locate (scholarly, governmental, or academic). Consideration should be given to infrastructure impact at various levels.

The assessment must follow current APA guidelines and include at least 4 properly cited sources. This assessment will include a qualitative analysis. As such, separate spreadsheets must be developed for the threats and vulnerabilities respectively. All resource elements must be presented and discussed. The assessment must consist of 900–1,400 words.

Airport Assessment: Final Assignment

The student will develop a report on the Richmond International Airport for airport administrators. This report must include a risk analysis and recommendations for minimizing threats and vulnerabilities. As with the Initial Assignment, this assessment is based on the student’s knowledge gained from the information in this course and any outside sources they locate (scholarly, governmental, or academic). The student will need to conduct research outside the text. For instance, using a risk assessment tool from a credible source (with proper citations) may be useful.

The student must prepare a formal report on his/her findings and recommendations, following current APA guidelines and must include at least 4 properly cited sources. This report will include a qualitative analysis. As such, spreadsheets must be developed to clarify the student’s findings and position. The report must consist of 900–1,400 words.


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