Introduction to Homeland Security – CJUS 380

CG • Section 8WK • 11/08/2019 to 04/16/2020 • Modified 02/01/2024

Course Description

An introduction to the public and private sector dimension of the broad range theoretical and practical aspects of homeland security and emergency management, including: origins of natural and terrorist-caused disasters; local, state, and federal emergency management planning and operations; health infrastructure capabilities, public communication strategies; business community concerns; ethical, legal, and constitutional questions; as well as the social and psychological dimensions of disasters. NRF, NIMS, ICS, IC, and UC will be examined. Further, national and association standards found in agencies and documents such as Presidential Directives, NFPA 1600, IAEM, and IACP will be examined.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.


This course cultivates an understanding of different cultures and international actions. It promotes an understanding of Western tradition and American historical aspects of emergency management and fosters university-level competencies in writing, speaking, reading, analytical reasoning, computer literacy, and research. It challenges the student to acquire knowledge independently through research of the sciences and promotes the evaluation of moral and ethical decision making. The student will develop competence in determining an approach to vocation. This course nurtures the maturing of spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical qualities through the synthesis of academic knowledge and Christian values. It cultivates the sensitivity to others with commitment to better humanity and encourages commitment to Christian life while actively communicating the Christian faith, personal integrity, and social responsibility, all achieved through Jesus Christ the Lord and personal Savior

Course Assignment

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (8)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Discussion questions will be posted each Module: Week. Each thread must be 200–300 words and reference a minimum of 1 source. Unlike the formal written assignments, it is not required that the thread adheres to specific formatting requirements; however, the student must be sure to proofread carefully. Grammar and spelling errors may impact the grading. The student must post at least 2 replies to other classmates’ threads with 150–200 words in each reply. A minimum of 1 source must be referenced.

Position Paper: Defense of Weakest Position on Threat Issue Assignment

The purpose of this position paper is to gain support on a particular issue and to explain the rationale for the student’s position. The information provided must be based on a strong foundation of facts. As such, the student must provide evidence from credible academic and scholarly sources. The student will select a topic provided from Chapters 1–4 respectively. After choosing his/her topic, the student will define, refine, and limit his/her issue. At a minimum, the following sections are required for the paper: (a) problem statement, (b) literature review, and (c) conclusion. The paper must follow strict APA guidelines and must consist of 700–1,050 words. At least 4 sources are required. All sources must be properly cited.

Position Paper: Defense of Strongest Position on Threat Issue Assignment

The purpose of this position paper is to rebut the student’s position in Position Paper: Defense of Weakest Position on Threat Issue Assignment. The student must convince the readers that the evidence and findings of Position Paper: Defense of Weakest Position on Threat Issue Assignment are wrong. As such, the information provided must be based on a strong foundation of facts, with evidence from credible academic and scholarly sources. Remember, peer-reviewed articles are best. At a minimum, the following sections are required: (a) position statement, (b) review of literature, and (c) conclusion. Any references used in Position Paper 1 may be used again; however 3 new references are required. In addition, the textbook must be used as a reference to cite at least 1 countering argument to Position Paper: Defense of Weakest Position on Threat Issue Assignment. The paper must follow strict APA guidelines.