BUSI 612 Marketing Promotions
Course Description
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.
Successful organizations in both the private and public sectors have learned that the ability to effectively and efficiently communicate with their target audiences is critical to their long-term success. Marketing promotions and advertising are used to market/sell products and services, as well as to promote social causes and deal with societal problems (alcohol and drug abuse). The emphasis of this course is to teach the student to be an effective promoter, well-equipped to market products and services.
Course Assignment
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After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will complete one Discussion. The Discussion will consist of a thread and at least (minimum) 2 replies. The instructor is looking for substantial, thoughtful, and critical discussions as they relate to the course. Each thread must be at least 200 words, and each reply must be at least 100 words.
For this project, the student will design an integrated promotions/advertising plan for a product of his/her choosing. Each part of the promotions project will be turned in every module: week and will build upon the previous parts.
Quiz: Product Confirmation
The student will choose an existing product or a new product that he/she will work with through the rest of the course. The student will submit a photo of the product he/she will be researching.
IMC Mix Essay Assignment
The student will write an essay to help him/her better understand and identify the facts that affect the student’s thinking and, ultimately, the design of his/her big idea for his/her advertisement/promotion. The essay must be consistent with current APA writing and contain a minimum of 4 pages. This assignment will be checked for plagiarism. A successful score is <41%. Four citations are required (excluding required reading in this module’s Learn section).
Situational Analysis Essay Assignment
The student will write an essay to be used as a planning step to help him/her better understand and identify the facts that affect the student’s thinking and, ultimately, the design of his/her big idea for his/her advertisement/promotion. The essay must be consistent with current APA writing and contain a minimum of 5 pages. This assignment will be checked for plagiarism. A successful score is <41%. Five citations are required (excluding required reading in this module’s Learn section).
Target Marketing Essay Assignment
The student will write a well-crafted essay in a format consistent with current APA, defining the market segment for the product he/she chooses to research. The student will also discuss the market characteristics and the target market of the product. The essay must be consistent with current APA writing and contain a minimum of 7 pages. This assignment will be checked for plagiarism. A successful score is <41%. Five citations are required (excluding required reading in this module’s Learn section).
Consumer Behavior and Competitive Insights Essay Assignment
The student will write an essay that systematically discusses the consumer behavior of the customers that currently purchase the product the student has chosen to research. The essay must be consistent with current APA writing and contain a minimum of 5 pages. This assignment will be checked for plagiarism. A successful score is <41%. Five citations are required (excluding required reading in this module’s Learn section).
Creative Development Questionnaire Assignment
The student will create a Word document by answering questions that fully articulates and explicates each question/section. Creativity is one of the areas that will be looked at for this assignment.
Big Idea and Media PowerPoint Assignment
The student will create a PowerPoint presentation that visually reflects the big idea and an advertisement/promotion he/she has chosen.
Big Idea and Media PowerPoint Text Assignment
The student will continue to work on the PowerPoint presentation by adding the text to the slides. This text will show an understanding of the process of pitching his/her ad/promotion to the marketing executives of the firm that makes his/her product.
The Integration of Faith and Learning (IFL) assignment is asking the student how he/she will integrate his/her faith coupled with marketing promotions theory (all within a business world context). The student will be writing an essay with 500 words (minimum) integrating his/her faith as it relates to the course. The essay must be consistent with current APA writing. The essay must be consistent with current APA writing. This assignment will be checked for plagiarism, a successful score is <41%. Two citations are required.
The student will write a graduate-level paper using current APA format. The paper will answer questions from the research questions provided. The essay must be consistent with current APA writing and contain a minimum of 5 pages with 4 citations. This assignment will be checked for plagiarism, a successful score is <41%.

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