TRMA 810 Adult and Familial Trauma

This course examines the effects of traumatic events as experienced by Adults and Families. Students will examine causative factors and evidence-based (or empirically supported) treatments of trauma and topical areas of trauma to include Attachment Wounds, PTSD, Sexual Assault, Date Rape, Family Systems Trauma, Terrorism, Domestic and Community Violence, Traumatic Grief, Complex Trauma, and Emerging Trauma Issues. Students will consider how science guides the delivery of effective counseling theory and technique for these Individuals and Families with the goal of integrating ethical, effective, and biblically grounded care.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

Trauma is a part of the lives of nearly every person worldwide. Its effects are life-changing and often result in the addition of major dissonance or, in many cases, the destruction of their previous sense of wellbeing or the loss of life. To understand the nature of the issues and the effects and to be able to assist in the amelioration of the symptoms is critical.

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (4)

The goal of the discussions in this course is to engage in an enjoyable, meaningful, and academically thought-provoking conversation simulating a classroom environment. The student will participate in 4 discussions. For each discussion, the student is required to create a 400–450-word discussion thread addressing a specific topic. In addition, he/she must respond to the discussion threads of at least two classmates with 250–300-word replies. The original thread must fully address the assigned topic, incorporate relevant ideas from the course texts, as well as least two relevant journal articles, must articulate course-related knowledge, and demonstrate critical reflection. In the discussion replies, the student must extend the discussion by analyzing and building upon peers’ discussion threads, asking relevant questions as needed. Each discussion reply must incorporate at least one scholarly reference. The student is also required to briefly respond to all classmates who replied to his/her discussion thread as well as to any questions or comments from the instructor. All assertions must be supported by in-text references in current APA format. Use of first person is appropriate. Discussion threads and discussion replies must be well written, well organized, and focused.

(The Discussions meet learning outcomes A, B, C, and D.)

Quizzes (4)

Each quiz will cover the Learn material for the assigned modules. Each quiz will be open-book/open-notes, contain 25 multiple-choice questions, and have a 60-minute time limit.

(The quizzes meet course learning outcomes A, B, and D.)

Family Trauma Assessment Paper

The student will compose a short (8–10 pages) paper in current APA format detailing the traumatic events that have occurred within his/her family. The student will Include nature of the trauma, approximate age at which it occurred, positive or negative outcomes/effects/coping skills applied, etc. The student will include at least 5 substantiating references.

(The Family Trauma Assessment meets course learning outcomes A–F.)

PowerPoint Presentation

The student will select a specific traumatology topic delimited by a traumatic event (e.g. disaster, violence, combat, sexual assault, etc.), a trauma-related diagnosis (e.g. acute stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder), or a specific trauma treatment. He or she will prepare a scholarly presentation in PowerPoint intended for an audience of emerging trauma counselors. If appropriate to the topic, an overview with definitions, incidence rates, types (of perpetrators/victims as relevant), harm or danger involved, possible spiritual factors, symptoms, assessment, diagnosis and treatment options should be included. An integrated biblical perspective on the topic must be provided. Reference should be made in the presentation to at least ten scholarly articles published within the last ten years, in addition to any textbooks, the Bible, professional or popular sources. The presentation must include at least 40 slides (not including bibliography slides), and these should be visually appealing to a professional audience with appropriate amounts of text and include illustrations in the form of cartoons, drawings, charts, graphs, pictures, film clips, etc. on each slide. Cite all sources, including websites, in current APA format on the slides (in text or footnotes), as well as compiled on the last few slides.

(The PowerPoint Presentation meets course learning outcomes A and C.)

Traumatology Paper

The student will combine class resources and additional outside research (at least ten additional scholarly sources) to develop a 12–15 page paper using current APA format (not including title page, abstract, and references) in an area of Adult/Familial trauma approved by the professor. Alternatively, the student will develop a creative project utilizing an Adobe suite software or other software. The project will address similar content. The student should contact the instructor and present the idea when choosing this option for clarification of expectations.

(The Research Paper meets course-learning outcomes A–F).

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