THEO 530 Systematic Theology II
Course Description
A course completing the study of systematic theology with special attention given to the doctrines of the person and work of Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the church, and last things. Such issues as nature and extent of salvation, the origin, nature and future of the church, and the eternal state are explored.
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.
In relation to God, these doctrines are those that detail His work to glorify Himself in His creation. In relation to pastoral and soul care ministries, the doctrines related to the human predicament and the work of God to bring wholeness and healing are especially important. Part of that healing is the building of a new community, which functions to establish believers and hold them accountable to their commitment to Christ until He returns.
Course Assignment
Textbook readings and lecture presentations
No details available.
Course Requirements Checklist
After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Discussions (4)
Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will create a thread of at least 500 words, which must include at least two citations. In addition, each student will compose two replies of around 3-4 sentences apiece, which also must contain at least one citation each. The student must only cite the course textbooks. (CLO: A, B, C)
Research Paper Assignments (3)
The research paper will be completed in 3 parts.
Research Paper: Annotated Bibliography and Topic Selection Assignment
The student will complete this assignment using the template provided in Blackboard. This assignment will prepare the student for the Research Paper. The student must select a topic and at least 5 journal articles to review (including at least 3 that are fewer than 10 years old). Each journal article must be at least 3 pages. Each reference must be cited in current Turabian format. The instructor’s approval of the topic choice will serve as the grade for this assignment unless otherwise noted. (CLO: A, C)
Research Paper: Outline Assignment
The student will complete this assignment using the template provided in Blackboard. The outline must include a thesis statement, the research question, a detailed outline of how the paper will prove the paper’s thesis, how many pages will be allotted to each section of the paper, and a preliminary bibliography of at least 20 sources (including at least 8 that are fewer than 10 years old). (CLO: A, C)
Research Paper: Final Submission Assignment
The student will complete a Research Paper based on the previously completed Annotated Bibliography and Outline Assignment. This paper must be 3,600–4,500 words, excluding the cover page, table of contents, and bibliography. It must also contain at least 20 sources (excluding the Bible and course textbooks), and 8 of the 20 sources must be written within the last 10 years. This assignment must be in current Turabian format. (CLO: A, C, E)
Practical Theology Assignments (2)
Theology is never developed or expressed in a vacuum, either personally or practically. In order to move the student from Biblical Theology (getting it from the right source) to Systematic Theology (getting it straight) to Practical Theology (living it out), there needs to be a certain flexibility of application based on their personal calling and goals as a Christian leader. Therefore, they will have the chance to choose what fits their current or future ministry needs best with these assignments. The first assignment will focus on the Message of Christ (Soteriology / Work of Christ / Gospel). While the second assignment will focus on the Method of Christ (Ecclesiology / Personal Disciple Making). (CLO: A, B, D, E)

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