Setting Social & Interactive Goals – STCO 648

CG • Section 8WK • 11/08/2019 to 04/16/2020 • Modified 02/01/2024

Course Description

The use of social, mobile and online benchmarking and metrics in maximizing social media strategy and growing a customer/audience base.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.


The purpose of this course is to provide students with a theoretical and practical understanding of the contemporary world of social media analytics, and the role of this critical set of digital tools in defining success in business, government, not-for-profit, and community organizations. The ability of students to use measurements derived from increasingly larger sets of data has become an increasingly valuable tool utilized by organizations to maximize return on investment in tactics and strategies. The student equipped to apply social and interactive media analytics to real-world strategies will find many career opportunities.

Course Assignment

Textbook readings and impact videos

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

The student will post one short introduction video based on the provided prompt. The student must then post 1 reply of at least 250 words. No references are necessary for this discussion.

Discussions (3)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will discuss and apply his/her textbook readings to his/her own life, in addition to promoting engagement with other students. Each thread must be 350 words, include at least 2 references to the course text and 1 reference to an outside source, and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to at least 1 classmate’s thread. The reply must be at least 250 words include at least 1 reference to the course text.

Social Media Analytics Case: Foundations Assignment

The student will write the foundation of a Social Media Analytics plan, analyzing the challenge facing an organization as it seeks to create, implement and measure the success of a campaign that utilizes social media to grow the market for its products, services, and/or activities. This paper will serve as the starting point for the final paper. The Social Media Analytics Case: Foundation Assignment must be at least 6 pages, excluding the references and title pages. The paper must be written in current APA format, double-spaced in 12 pt. Times New Roman, and must contain a title page at the beginning and a reference section at the end. The paper must contain a minimum of 6 references.

Social Media Analytics Case: Case Analysis Assignment

The student will continue the case analysis of the organization/product/service/campaign chosen as the focus of Social Media Analytics Case: Foundations Assignment. This final paper continues the analysis of those Social Media Analytics efforts. It includes a detailed description of the analytical tools used to assess the efficacy of the campaign, and will include at least 12 references and the textbook as supporting evidence. The paper must be written in current APA format, and be at least 9 pages (excluding the title and abstract pages and references section).

Link-to-Life Resource Review Assignments (2)

This review encourages students to establish a link between readings and life experiences. This is part of a continuing effort to link those experiences—especially related to career and/or organizational work—to a degree program. This assignment allows the choice of submitting a paper or multi-media submission. The requirements are to submit 7–10 pages without exhibit, or no more than 5 pages with exhibit.

  • Part 1 - Abstract Review Submission
  • Part 2 - Body and Conclusion Submission