Employee and Organizational Communication – STCO 372

CG • Section 8WK • 11/08/2019 to 04/16/2020 • Modified 02/01/2024

Course Description

This course in organizational public relations provides students with the strategic ability to communicate with the affiliated parts of an organization critical to successful relationships and image-making.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.


The purpose of this course is to give students the perspective and application skills necessary for positive cooperative and collaborative relationships in corporate and organizational settings. Through the study and application of employee communication in furtherance of organizational goals, students will understand the importance of core message strategy, employee interaction, and communication to specifically targeted internal audiences.

Course Assignment

Textbook readings and PowerPoint presentations

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (4)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt. The  Discussions must be at least 300 words each and demonstrate course–related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to 2 classmates’ threads. Each reply must be at least 150 words. The thread and replies, in total, must contain at least 1 reference from the textbook reading and 1 biblical reference. The thread and replies must follow current APA format.

Case Study Assignments (5)

Each chapter in the textbook contains Case Study Assignments. The student will read through selected case studies and respond to questions. Each Case Study Assignment must include citations to support major points, integrate at least 1 biblical principle, and follow current APA format.

Internal Organizational Communications Plan Assignment

Foundation Assignment

The student will choose an organization for which to complete a Internal Communication Plan that will encourage employees to be more involved in the organizational narrative. The Foundation assignment lays the groundwork. The student will address 5 points: the chosen organization, a measurement of internal communications, summary of the situation, identifying desirable outcomes and defining the audience. (9 paragraphs total).

Final Plan Assignment

The student will use the information from the Foundation assignment and apply it to a final internal Communication Plan.   In the  Final assignment, the student will address 6 points:develop a message, define strategy, determine channels and tactics, progress measurement, plan review, and identifying additional strategies that can be used for remote workers.

Both assignments must follow current APA format.

Quizzes (8)

Each quiz will cover the Learn material for the assigned modules: weeks. Each quiz will be open-book/open-notes and contain multiple-choice and true/false. There is no time limit for the quiz. .