RLGN 104 Christian Life and Biblical Worldview

This is a study in the development and application of the biblical worldview. This course will include an introduction and application of critical thinking skills, as well as a study of religious and philosophical worldviews. Special attention will be given to the theology and methodology of evangelism.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

RLGN 104 is designed to deepen and broaden the student’s understanding of the core fundamentals of the biblical worldview and to equip the student to present that view in relation to competing worldviews. The goal is to enable the student to think more clearly and critically about Christianity and truth. It is intended to equip the student to become a more effective witness and to participate more constructively in the larger socio-cultural debate. In order to accomplish this goal, the student must (1) understand the essentials of Christian truth, (2) be familiar with the historical opponents to Christianity and truth, and (3) present a biblical, logical, and reasonable defense of Christianity. Through studying worldviews, the student can better understand the nature of humanity and individual conduct so that he or she is prepared to address relevant questions in a culture of relativism. As the apostle Paul states: “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (Colossians 4:6, NIV). By understanding worldviews, the student will acquire a powerful form of wisdom that characterized the sons of Issachar: “men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do…” (1 Chronicles 12:32, NASB).

Textbook Readings and Lecture Presentations

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Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.


Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided topic for each Discussion. Discussion: Beliefs requires the student to create a thread that must be a minimum of 75 words for each question (150 words total). Discussion: Gospel Message Perceptions and Discussion: Gospel Message Friendships and Barriers require the student to create a thread that must be 300–500 words. The student is required to add and cite content from two sources (scripture, course materials, and or research) in each thread using current APA, MLA, or Turabian formatting (whichever corresponds to the student’s degree program). (CLOs: C, D and E). This assignment aligns with the following FSLOs: CT 5, CGE3, CGE4, CGE 5.


In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to at least 2 other classmates’ threads. For Discussion: Beliefs, each reply must be a minimum of 100 words. For Discussion: Gospel Message Perceptions and Discussion: Gospel Message Friendships and Barriers, each reply must be a minimum of 150–200 words. The student is required to add and cite content from two sources (scripture, course materials, and or research) in each reply using current APA, MLA, or Turabian formatting (whichever corresponds to the student’s degree program). (CLOs: A, C, D) This assignment aligns with the following FSLOs: CT4.

Research Paper Assignments (3)

Research Paper: Biblical Worldview Assignment: The student will define the term worldview and answer the five worldview questions of Origin, Identity, Meaning/Purpose, Morality, and Destiny from a Biblical Worldview in 475 – 600 words. The student will review chapter four of Finding Your Worldview: Thinking Christianly about the World for content and clarity to these questions.  

Research Paper: Non-Christian Worldview Assignment: The student will answer the five worldview questions of Origin, Identity, Meaning/Purpose, Morality, and Destiny from one of the four worldviews (Secular Humanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Islam) in 400-500 words. The student will review chapter five of Finding Your Worldview: Thinking Christianly about the World for content and clarity to these questions.

Research Paper: Critical Thinking Assignment: The student will compare and contrast the non-Christian worldview they have chosen and their worldview’s answers to the five worldview questions with the answers from a Biblical Worldview in 400 – 500 words. The student will review chapters four and five of Finding Your Worldview: Thinking Christianly about the World for content and clarity to these questions.  

(CLOs: A, B, E) This assignment aligns with the following FSLOs: CT2, CT3, CT 4, CT5, CGE1, CGE 3, CGE4, and CGE5.

For this assignment, the student is to research and articulate two different approaches to sharing the gospel message with a non-Christian (250-400 words). In addition, the student will interview a non-Christian. They will ask them the assignment questions and type out their responses to the questions. The student is encouraged to record the session with the interviewee’s permission to help complete the assignment after the interview. The word count for this assignment will be 300-500 words based on the interviewee’s responses. The student will submit the Gospel Interview Assignment using the Template provided. (CLO’s D, E). This assignment aligns with the following FSLO’s: CT2, CT4, CGE3, CGE4 & CGE5.

Quizzes (8)

Each Quiz will cover the Learn material for the assigned Module: Week. Each Quiz will be open-book/open-notes, contain 20 multiple-choice and true/false questions, and have a 30-minute time limit with exception to the last Quiz. The final Quiz will have 16 multiple-choice and true/false questions and one essay question to conclude the course. (CLOs: A, B, C) This assignment aligns with the following FSLOs: CT3, CT4, CT5, CGE1, CGE 3 , CGE 4.

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