PPOG 504 Leadership, Statesmanship, and Governance
Course Description
This course will provide an examination of the fundamentals and characteristics of diligent, principled-based servant leadership from a Judeo-Christian perspective. This course will be as practical as it is philosophical.
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
This course is a required core course in the Master of Arts in Public Policy program. It provides a broad graduate-level introduction to selected statesman and governance philosophies that have shaped and continue to shape western political and legal thought.
Course Assignment
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Course Requirements Checklist
After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Discussions (4)
Discussions are collaborative learning opportunities. Therefore, the student will be asked to complete four (4) Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 400–500 words and then post two (2) replies of at least 200-250 words.
For each thread, the student must support his or her assertions with at least 4-6 (inclusive of the Module: Weeks assigned resources) scholarly citations in APA format. Each reply must incorporate at least 2-4 additional scholarly citation(s) in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include texts, articles, presentations, the Bible, blogs, videos, etc.
Research Paper: Statesmanship and the Country’s Founding Assignment
The student will write a 6–8 page paper analyzing the lives, decisions, actions, and the resulting outcomes of key leaders in the American founding. Please refer to the assignment details, announcement, and the grading rubric for complete assignment requirements.
The assignment must be written following current APA style and must include citations from 12-15 scholarly references and the course readings and presentations, as well as a bibliography.
Research Paper: Articulating Your Statesmanship Framework Assignment
This assignment requires the student to do a literature review that will articulate his or her model/framework of effective statesmanship. This paper will serve as a building block to the final paper. This paper must be 9–12 pages (excluding the title page, abstract/introduction, summary, and references) and contain ideas and citations from at least 12-15 scholarly references inclusive of the required reading and presentations from the course and Scripture. This assignment must be written following current APA style.
Quiz: Practical Applications Paper: Topic Submission
For this quiz, the student will submit a topic for his or her Practical Applications Paper: Statesmanship Assignment for review. The instructor will use the submission to provide feedback on the topic and recommendations if needed to improve it.
Research Paper: Protecting the Weak and Exploited Assignment
The student will write a 6–8 page paper discussing key statesmanship principles needed to reform a nation. Refer to the grading rubric found in Canvas for complete assignment requirements. This assignment must be written following current APA style and should include citations from a total of 12-15 scholarly references inclusive of the course readings and presentations, as well as a bibliography.
Practical Applications Paper: Statesmanship Assignment
A significant portion of the student’s grade for this course is earned by writing a 9–12 page paper in current APA format on statesmanship. This paper is based upon the Research Paper: Articulating Your Statesmanship Framework Assignment and must reflect the comments and critiques of the instructor, as well as additional research to supplement the Practical Applications Paper: Statesmanship Assignment for a total of 12-15 resources.
Please see the Assignment for additional details.
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