PHSC 210 Elements of Earth Science

A study of the principles of physical and historical geology, oceanography, and meteorology for non-science majors.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

The purpose of this course and its associated lab is to reveal the complex inter-relatedness of earth processes affecting the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and lithosphere. These processes and the contemporary scientific paradigms upon which they are founded will be evaluated via the grid of biblical revelation. Naturally, particular attention will be given to the Book of Genesis. In the end, this course is designed to broaden the student’s understanding of the earth and its function from both scientific and biblical perspectives.

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

No details available.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (2)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences and are designed to help the student evaluate earth science via the grid of biblical revelation. The student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt. Each thread must be 350–450 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to at least 1 other classmate’s thread. Each reply must be 150–175 words and add substantially to the conversation. All posts must adhere to current APA format (CLO: B, C, D, E; FSLO: SSI 1, 2b, 4)

Journal Article Review Assignment

The student will write an essay reviewing a young-Earth journal article by Steve Austin. APA formatting should be followed. The student is expected to accurately summarize the article’s contents and assess the young-Earth impact. The length should be 800–1,100 words. (CLO: C; FSLO: SSI 1, 2b)

Quizzes: Presentations (8)

The student will complete various online exercises matching terms and phrases related to the Presentations found in the module. The content of these presentations support the textbook readings for that module and the assignments will reinforce what is read in the course textbook. This quiz will be open-book/open-notes, contain 4-5 matching questions, and will have a 1-hour time limit. (CLO: A, B, C, D, E; FSLO: SSI 1, 4)

Quizzes: Young-Earth (6)

The student will complete a Young-Earth quiz by answering multiple choice questions related to the video presentation. These videos feature Dr. Steve Austin, world-renowned creation geologist discussing earthquakes, landslides and megafloods. This quiz will be open-book/open-notes, contain 15 multiple-choice questions, and will have a 1-hour time limit. (CLO: C, D, E; FSLO: SSI 1, 2b, 4)

Quizzes: Worldview and Science (2)

The student will offer a self-assessment and discuss worldview as related to science during the course and offer any prayer requests/praise reports. This assignment is intended to help the instructor maintain awareness of the student’s spiritual health during the course. This quiz will be open-book/open-notes, contain 3-4 essay questions, and will have a 1-hour time limit. (FSLO: CC 3)

Quizzes (8)

Each quiz will cover the Learn material for the assigned module. Each quiz will be open-book/open-notes and contain 18-25 multiple-choice and true/false questions. Some quizzes contain an essay question. Quizzes have a 1-hour time limit. (CLO: A, B, C, D, E; FSLO: SSI 1, 2b)

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