PACO 620 Counseling the Adolescent and Their Families
Course Description
This course examines the transitions of adolescence emphasizing family, social, spiritual/moral, and physical issues. Counseling theories and practices for working with adolescents are explored. Opportunities for application of theory are provided.
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.
The purpose of this course is to help those who counsel adolescents to develop an awareness and capability to address the challenging issues associated with the passages of adolescence.
Course Assignment
Textbook readings and presentations
No details available.
Course Requirements Checklist
After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Discussions (4)
Four Discussions are required: 1) Adolescent Struggles, 2) The Effective Counseling of Adolescents, 3) Specific Areas of Concern, and 4) Legal, Ethical, and Moral Issues. An initial post is required as well as two reply posts.
Movie Review Assignments (2)
The student will write two 5–7-page Movie Reviews, in current APA format, that focus on a critique of the movie as it relates to adolescent development and crisis. The Movie Reviews must include at least 5 references in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. (Learning Outcomes: A, B, D)
Quizzes (2)
The student will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete two true/false/multiple answer quizzes based on some of the weekly readings. One quiz will cover Adolescent Struggles and the other will cover Adolescent Counseling. Each quiz will be open-book/open-notes, have 25 questions, and be worth 100 points (Learning Outcomes: A, B, C, D)
Research Paper: Topic Assignment
The student will choose any topic from the textbooks associated with adolescence. The student must be specific with his topic (anger management, eating disorders, etc.). At least three references are required and should be used appropriately in the topic paragraph. (Learning Outcomes: A, B)
Research Paper: Reference List Assignment
The student must submit a bibliography prior to the Research Paper: Final Assignment’s submission, and it must consist of at least 9 references. (Learning Outcome: A)
Research Paper: Final Assignment
The student will write an 8–10-page paper, in current APA format, that focuses on any topic from the textbooks which are associated with adolescence. The paper must include at least 9–10 references in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. (Learning Outcomes: A, B, C)

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