EVCP 810 Biblical Foundations for Evangelistic Church Planting

This course is designed to develop a theology of the church from the biblical text in order to construct a foundation for church planting. Church planting must be principally examined from its biblical rather than its practical effectiveness. The first question is not whether church planting can be an effective evangelism tool within a community, but rather, is church planting a biblical concept? This course is designed to develop a theology of church planting from the foundation of Scripture. 

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

Evangelistic church planting requires a commitment to biblical authority and concepts. This course is designed to equip students with the foundation necessary for evangelistic church planting.

Textbook readings and lecture presentations/notes

No details available.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (3)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. Each thread must be at least 400 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be at least 150 words. (CLOs: A, B, C)

Book Critique Assignment

The student will write a book review of his or her choosing from the Required Resource section above. For each Book Critique, the student will write a 1,000–1,200-word, well-written paper in current Turabian format that meets the requirements in the Book Critique Assignment Instructions. (CLOs: A, B)

Annotated Bibliography Assignment

The student will compose an Annotated Bibliography of at least 20 works related to the Evangelistic Church Planting Paper Assignment. These sources should be related to the paper you intend to write. (CLOs: A, B, C)

Evangelistic Church Planting Paper Assignment

Based on the course reading, study, presentations, and research, the student must write and submit a paper that builds a biblical argument for evangelistic church planting as they understand it. The first half of the paper should answer the question: Does the bible teach evangelistic church planting?

The second half of the paper should address the foundational characteristics of a New Testament church plant. Do not merely summarize the characteristics presented in the course. This paper is an opportunity for the student to develop their own list based on their study and research. Develop your list of foundational characteristics and argue for them from a theological and functional perspective. In other words, why are these characteristics essential from a biblical perspective (theological) and why are these characteristics essential to the functioning of a biblical church plant (functional)? Answer these questions in this part of the paper: What are the foundational characteristics of a biblical church plant from a theological and functional perspective? 

The paper must demonstrate analytical thinking and an understanding of the biblical concepts. Your arguments must be supported with biblical evidence and scholarly research. (CLOs: C)

Quiz: Course Completion

This quiz will cover the course content. The quiz will be open-book/open-notes and have a 3-hour time limit. It will consist of multiple choice and essay questions. (CLOs: A, B)

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