Anthropology of Music – ETHM 513

CG • Section 16WK • 11/10/2019 to 04/18/2020 • Modified 02/01/2024

Course Description

Explore the anthropological side of ethnomusicology by examining a wide variety of theoretical and ethnographic approaches to music culture analysis.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.


This course is designed to help the student develop an understanding of how anthropology has traditionally been used in the theory and practice of ethnomusicology. It will equip the student with the basic understanding of how anthropological methods can be utilized in the practice of Christian ethnomusicology.

Course Assignment

Textbook and journal readings

The student will complete the readings early in the module/week so that all threads can be added by the proper time.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in Module/Week 1.

Discussion Board Forums (8)

Discussion Board Forums will be graded by quality, frequency, and timeliness. Each Discussion Board Forum is split into threads and replies. The threads and replies must consist of well-planned postings. Threads must be 250 words in length and replies must be 100 words in length. The student will be required to post within the Discussion Board Forum 5 times during each module/week.

Reflection Papers (4)

Reflection Papers should be 5–6 pages (about 1,500 words in length) double-spaced, excluding the title page and bibliography. In addition, Reflection Papers should contain correct citations. The Reflection Papers should be written in formal style, following current Turabian format.

Final Paper

The student will select a topic that has been reviewed during the course, and which focuses on his/her area of interest. The student will then write a 15-page (3000-3500 words, excluding title page and bibliography) paper that includes: an introduction, body, personal application, and conclusion.