ENGR 105 Introduction to Engineering I

This course will introduce students to the engineering profession, the entrepreneurial mindset, and the study skills necessary to succeed in the rigorous course of study to achieve an engineering degree. The course introduces fundamental engineering concepts, including spreadsheets, dimensions and units, engineering communication, engineering ethics and the engineering design process. This is a required course for online engineering majors and also serves non-engineering students by exposing them to an overview of the engineering discipline.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

The degree programs at Liberty University are designed to develop Christ-centered men and women with the values, knowledge, and skills essential to positively influence his or her chosen profession in the current and evolving world. These programs prepare each graduate for the thoughtful integration of work and life and to view his or her profession as a lifelong commitment to serving others. Within a few years of graduating, each graduates will be able to advance in his or her professional career or graduate studies, be recognized as a critical and creative thinker exhibiting an aptitude for continuous learning, and display professional ethics and behavior consistent with foundational Christian principles. To that end, the objective of this course is to introduce the student to the engineering professions and prepare him or her for success in achieving a degree in one of those fields.

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

No details available.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (5)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each thread. Each thread must be at least 250 words, providing citations as appropriate. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to the threads of at least two classmates. Each reply must be at least 125 words. All citations used must be in current APA format.

Peer-Review Discussions (2)

Peer-Review Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, one student must submit his or her group’s assignment for review for each thread. Then, each student will review two different groups’ submissions and provide a substantive and relevant review of each. Each review should have a minimum of 200 words (400 words total minimum).

Problem Set Assignments (6)

Problem Set Assignments measure the student’s application of course material after the subject matter has been presented in class. These are conducted in WebAssign and require applied critical thinking as well as subject matter comprehension.

Design Your Own Plan Project Assignments (5)

The student will develop a personal plan that maps out his or her path to successfully complete his or her degree program. This project will include integration of biblical worldview to the maximum extent possible, as well as focus on the attitudes, habits, and behaviors necessary to become a master student and life-long learner. This project will be completed in stages, with four writing assignments and creation of a graduation plan in spreadsheet format.

Design Your Own Plan Project: Part 1 – Goal Setting Assignment

For this assignment, the student will interview two engineering students, staff, faculty, or practicing engineers on their opinions and advice on setting goals for the engineering program. The student will then develop SMART goals for his or her school year, graduation, and career. The student will also touch on several other areas, including passions, study methods, and work ethic. This assignment should be 2-4 pages in length, answer all of the questions provided in Canvas, and align with current APA format.

Design Your Own Plan Project: Part 2 – Community Building Assignment

For this assignment, the student will interview two engineering students, staff, faculty, or practicing engineers (different from those in the previous assignment) on their opinions and advice on building community in the engineering field and succeeding within the program. The student will then research and reflect upon teamwork. The student will also describe what qualities are found in goo engineers. This assignment should be 2-4 pages in length, answer all of the questions provided in Canvas, and align with current APA format.

Design Your Own Plan Project: Part 3 – Academic Growth Assignment

For this assignment, the student will interview two engineering students, staff, faculty, or practicing engineers (different from those in the past two assignments) on their opinions and advice on high school vs higher education engineering studies and the skills required for a successful engineer. The student will then review LU’s Online Writer Center, its resources, and how the student can use them in the engineering program. Finally, the student will touch on his or her learning styles and how he or she can improve and excel in the engineering program. This assignment should be 2-4 pages in length, answer all of the questions provided in Canvas, and align with current APA format.

Design Your Own Plan Project: Part 4 – Personal and Spiritual Growth Assignment

For this assignment, the student will interview two engineering students, staff, faculty, or practicing engineers (different from those in the past two assignments) on their opinions and advice on time management techniques and knowledge they wish they had when they were students themselves. The student will then complete the Keirsey Assessment Survey (provided in Canvas) and analyze his or her results. Finally, the student will update the instructor on his or her time management and work ethic development, alongside his or her spiritual development. This assignment should be 2-4 pages in length, answer all of the questions provided in Canvas, and align with current APA format.

Design Your Own Plan Project: Part 5 – Graduation Plan Assignment

For this final assignment, the student will fill out the provided Graduation Plan template and submit it in Canvas.

New Product Proposal Group Project Assignments (5)

The student will participate in a team project that creates a proposal for developing a new product, implementing the engineering design process and an entrepreneurial mindset. This project will also be completed in stages, with the final deliverable in poster format during the final week of class.

New Product Proposal Group Project: Reverse Engineering Lab Assignment

The student and his or her team will identify a product to research and fill out the provided template in Canvas. One member of the student’s team will submit this assignment.

New Product Proposal Group Project: Innovation Canvas – Draft Assignment

Using the template provided, the student and his or her team will develop a concept for a new product that could be developed based on one of the NAE Grand Challenges and submit a New Product Proposal Innovation Canvas. One member of the student’s team will submit this assignment.

New Product Proposal Group Project: Grand Challenges Team Presentation Assignment

The student and his or her team will research the Grand Challenges of Engineering and what challenge category the selected product falls within. Then, the student and his or her team will meet online and record a presentation on the challenge and the product. One member of the student’s team will submit this assignment.

New Product Proposal Group Project: Poster Design – Draft Assignment

Using the poster template provided, the student and his or her team will develop a poster that showcases the product and follows a specific format as outlined in Canvas. 

New Product Proposal Group Project: Final Poster Design and Presentation Assignment

Working with the student’s assigned group, incorporate the feedback he or she received on the New Product Proposal Group Project: Poster Design – Draft Assignment. Then, the student will meet with his or her team in an online application and record a presentation that presents a persuasive argument to a potential investor in the product idea. Only one team member needs to upload the materials for the team.

Ethics Case Study Assignment

The Ethics Case Study Assignment also measures the student’s application of course material, but in a reflective writing format. This assignment will include integration of biblical worldview with an understanding of course concepts. The student will prepare 1200–1500-word report (length of main body, not counting title or reference page) analyzing and evaluating a provided ethical situation. The assignment must be in current APA format.

Reading Assessment Quizzes (7)

These Reading Assessments measure the student’s preparation for engaging new course material. These are conducted prior to the Module: Week when the subject will be discussed and are administered in a Quiz format.

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