EDUC 721 Issues and Trends in Exceptionality

A research oriented course that focuses on issues and trends that face the discipline of special education. The course utilizes research to analyze and examine through written discussions controversial issues in various areas of exceptionalities.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

It is imperative that all educators are prepared to deal with the special needs of exceptional students. Ministering to those in need is the professional responsibility and the spiritual mandate for every Christian. Furthermore, it is necessary that doctoral-level students are able to investigate, interpret, and conduct research that leads to informed decision-making as it affects the education of those with disabilities.

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

No details available.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the candidate will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (4)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the candidate will review the assigned material and formulate a response to the issue that is presented that week. The candidate should pay close attention to the points made in the reading and add his/her reflection based on his/her experience. The candidate’s argument must be submitted in a thread of at least 300 words. For each thread, the candidate must support his/her assertions with at least two citations in current APA format. The candidate will then reply to a classmate using a coherent argument that is logical, properly formed in manner and respect, and coherent. Each reply must be at least 150 words and must include at least one source in current APA format. Acceptable sources include the textbook, the Bible, and article reviews. (CLO: A, B, C, F)

The research question reflection assignment will allow the candidate to begin the research process by considering relevant topics within the field and focusing on a particular question. The reflection will include an evaluation of the feasibility, clarity, and significance of the research question. The candidate will write a four paragraph paper answering the provided questions formatted according to in current APA standards, although no title page or references are required for the assignment. (CLO: C, D, E)

Journal Critique Assignments (3)

The candidate is required to complete three Journal Critiques throughout the course. The candidate will choose an article aligned with the readings for the week but is encouraged to try to find an article that also supports the chosen research topic. Each critique must be 1–2 pages, must follow current APA style, and must be completed using the outline provided. (CLO: C, D, F)

Research Question Assignment

The candidate must have an appropriate research question for use on the Research Proposal. The candidate will focus on the variables and the hypothesized results for the research question and will formulate a strong research question. (CLO: C, E)

Literature Review Assignment

The candidate will write a 10–15-page Literature Review that utilizes 15–20 sources, primarily research journal articles, and follows current APA style. (CLO: C, D, E, F)

Quiz: Research Proposal

The Research Proposal is intended to help the candidate begin thinking about appropriate research techniques. The format of this assignment is a short answer quiz to help each candidate use his/her research question to take a robust look at each component of the research. The candidate is not required to perform the research that is proposed here, nor does the candidate need to know the specific statistical analysis. The candidate will answer each question thoroughly but succinctly with 1-5 sentences for each short answer. This quiz contains 10 short answer questions, has no time limit, and allows for unlimited attempts, with the latest attempt counting towards the candidate’s grade. (CLO: C, E, F)

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