EDUC 571 Curriculum Fundamentals

An introduction to basic concepts and issues related to curriculum design, development, change and evaluation.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

Administrators and teachers are responsible for the planning and implementation of curriculum that best meets student needs and fosters maximum growth. In order to make educationally sound decisions and to implement decisions in a manner that is productive for students, educators must know the parameters, advantages, and disadvantages of the various curriculum models and must analyze the research which supports or discredits those conclusions.

Research Journal Readings (MLO: B, C, E)

No details available.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Quiz: Course Overview

The purpose of the quiz is to test the candidate’s understanding of the syllabus and course requirements.

Discussions (MLO: B, C, E)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, each discussion is to be completed in 2 parts: 1) a thread to the instructor’s prompt, and 2) a reply to at least 2 classmate’s thread. Replies should be substantive, furthering discussion in a professional way.

Curriculum Project

The curriculum project consists of several graded steps in the course. The candidate will complete the assignment based on his/her licensure track (Elementary/SPED or Secondary). The instructions and samples for the Curriculum Project and the related project steps can be found in the Course Guides and Assignment Instructions folder. Parts of this project will be completed as follows:

Curriculum Essentials Project

This template project includes a mission statement, a simplistic character education plan, and standards comparison and integration.

Horizontal Mapping Project

The candidate will configure a map that displays when and how long standards (content or skills) will be taught in the grade level for which he/she chooses for the Curriculum Project. The candidate will review state standards for his/her grade level. The Elementary/SPED track will create a map for 18 weeks (90 days), and the Secondary track will create a map for 36 weeks (180 days).

Sample Curriculum Planning Charts Project

The candidate will produce a shorter version of the Curriculum Project for the instructor to grade. Elementary/SPED candidates will submit a legend and 3 days of curriculum following the sample. Secondary candidates will submit a legend and 2 weeks of curriculum following the sample. The purpose of this assignment is for the instructor to give the candidate feedback before submitting the final Curriculum Project.

Curriculum Project: Mapping, Charts, Evidences, and Resources

Evidence of Curriculum Requirements: The candidate will list 5 ways in which the following elements are incorporated into the Curriculum Project: integration, fine arts, health, PE and movement, character education, diversity and accommodations, critical thinking and problem-solving activities, active learning experiences, involvement of the mission statement, technology, collaboration, and assessment.

Resources: The candidate will compile at least 25 diverse professional resources in current APA format in the reference section at the end of the Curriculum Project.

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