EDUC 298 Education Practicum

Field experience in a classroom setting

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

Candidates gain field experiences in specific areas of academic interests for professional growth and development.

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the syllabus and Student Expectations, the candidate will then complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (3)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, there will be three Discussions throughout this course. The purpose of Discussions is to generate interaction among candidates in regard to relevant current course topics. The candidate is required to post one thread and at least one reply. Threads must have a minimum of 500 words, while replies must have a minimum of 250 words each. (CLO: A, B, C, D)

Field Placement Experience Assignments (8)

This course requires the completion of 45 field experience hours. NOTE: Completion of the full 45 hours is required to pass the course. Failure to complete the 45 hours will result in a failing grade. (CLO: A, B, C, D, E)

Quiz:  Field Experience Informational Report

In this quiz, you will provide your contact information and your purpose for taking the course. This quiz will contain 2 short-answer questions and have no time limit.

Quiz:  Field Experience Request

In this quiz, you will provide your host school information and confirm you have submitted your request for placement. Once the placement is set up in CORE, the candidate must record hours throughout the placement, and the Host Teacher will confirm the hours were completed. All field hours must be completed to receive full credit for this assignment. This quiz will contain 5 true/false and short-answer questions and have no time limit.

Quiz:  CORE FEA Rubric

In this quiz, you will upload a PDF copy of your host teacher’s evaluation of you and your time in their classroom. The host teacher’s evaluation is completed in CORE. This quiz will contain 1 file-upload question and have no time limit.

Quiz:  CORE Time Log Approval

In this quiz, you will answer questions about your hours recorded in CORE. This quiz will contain 3 true/false and short-answer questions and be limited to 30 minutes.

Quizzes:  Time Log (5)

In each of the time log quizzes, you will verify the hours accrued in the host classroom that week. Weekly field hours will be recorded by the student and approved by the host teacher in CORE. Each quiz will contain 1 short-answer question and be limited to 30 minutes.

Practicum Experience Evaluation Assignment

The candidate will request that their host teacher write a letter evaluating their performance. The candidate must submit a copy of the host teacher’s letter written on school letterhead with the host teacher’s signature (no electronic signatures will be accepted) in the assignment portal. Specific points to be addressed in the letter can be found in the assignment’s instructions.

Summative Reflection Assignment

This assignment is completed at the end of the course to describe and reflect in detail the field practicum placement. The five prompts to be addressed are provided in the assignment’s instructions. Each of the five response should be between 100-150 words.

Field Experience Summary Assignment

This assignment form will be completed to document all required field hours. The template is provided in the assignment’s page.

Quiz: Course Overview

The candidate is required to review the course syllabus and assignment instructions for all course assignments. After reviewing the documents, the candidate will complete this quiz. This quiz will contain 10 true/false questions and have no time limit. (CLO: E)

Quiz: CORE and Background Check Verification

The candidate is required to obtain a subscription to CORE and have Background Check clearance through CastleBranch. This quiz allows the candidate an opportunity to verify the completion of these requirements. This quiz will contain 3 true/false questions and have no time limit. (CLO: D, E)

Quiz: Honor Code

This quiz evaluates the candidate’s integrity regarding the field experience, mentor document submissions, and course assignments. This quiz will contain 5 true/false questions and have no time limit. (CLO: D, E)

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