EDGL 627 Program Design and Services in Gifted Education
Course Description
This course focuses on theoretical frameworks and fundamental principles for organizing and implementing evidence-based programs for the varied populations of the gifted including service delivery models, program evaluation, data collection, supervision models, and systemic development of programming and support structures including the roles and functions of committees (including the Advisory Committee), and strategies for engaging parents and community.
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.
With schools struggling to build and maintain programs for gifted and talented learners, educators must understand and evaluate models and programs to effectively provide for gifted students and make the most of limited budgets. Five to ten percent of all students possess exceptional gifts, talents, and abilities. These students require programming that allows a safe learning environment for maximum growth. Educators seeking to educate gifted and talented students appropriately should be familiar with the curriculum, services, and strategies tailored for successful learning experiences.
Course Assignment
Textbook readings and lecture presentations/notes
No details available.
Course Requirements Checklist
After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Discussions (4)
Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the purpose of the Discussions is to generate interaction among the candidates regarding relevant current course topics. For each Discussion, the candidate is required to post one thread of at least 400 words. The candidate will also post two substantive replies of 200–250 words each. (CLO: C, F, G)
Gifted Services Comparison Analysis
The candidate will select 3 services discussed in the assigned readings in this course and provide the information required in the provided template. Each service must include the use of least 2 peer-reviewed or scholarly references in current APA format and one must be the assigned readings for the course. A minimum of 400 words per service is expected. References should be completed in the designated section in the template and be written in current APA format. An APA formatted cover page is required. The template will be provided. (CLO: A, B, C)
Job Description and Expectations for Gifted Coordinator Position
The information from this assignment will help in the completion of the assignment Request to the School Board for A Gifted Coordinator Position.
The candidate will create a gifted coordinator job description, a detailed description of at least 10 expectations of the job, and the requirements to be hired for the position based upon the needs of a school of their choice and their course readings. A template will be provided, and the use of the course readings is required.
Request to the School Board for a Gifted Coordinator Position
Keeping the details of the candidate created job description and requirements of gifted coordinator position assignment in mind, the candidate will write a request (in the format of a persuasive research-based paper) to the school board of choice in support of adding a gifted coordinator position for the gifted education needs of the district. The candidate will provide research-supported reasoning for the hire based upon the need for a knowledgeable coordinator to put together an implement appropriate programming designed for a variety of gifted learners. The candidate will use the course text and at least two other scholarly sources to support the 4-5-page paper. There will be a minimum of 8 citations. The candidate will use current APA formatting and include a reference and title page in addition to the 4-5 pages. (CLO: C, E, F, G, H,)
Family and Community Outreach Presentation
The candidate will first take on the role of investigator and establish how the school of choice is engaging families of gifted learners and research ways the school might engage the families of gifted learners and the local community to unite in an effort to provide a broader learning community for the gifted learner. Using the information from Part 1, in Part 2, the candidate will take on the role of school representative and create a presentation indented to highlight ways the school can work with and engage families and communities in supporting gifted programs and services provided at the local school level. This should be geared toward the school of the candidate’s choice and be based in research about the school’s current practices and how future practices might build better relationships with parents of the gifted and the school’s local community.
The candidate will complete this presentation in 2 parts:
I. Investigation and Suggestions
The candidate will submit a title page, a 2-3 page overview of the importance of working with families to support their gifted students and how the local community can also help support gifted learners and schools (to inform part 2), and a reference page. These responses will total 2-3 pages in length not counting the title and reference pages. Current APA formatting is expected. The text and at least two other scholarly resources must be used to support the work.
II. School Representative Addressing Family and Community
The candidate will take on the role as a representative appointed by the school board to create and present a PowerPoint presentation providing general information about services for gifted education provided in the local school (brief overview of how they are served such as special classes, extracurricular activities, acceleration) and suggestions for families and community involvement based on information the candidate found in Part 1. The presentation is to be presented to invited guests consisting of local community businesses and family members of gifted students. At least 12, thoughtful and creative slides with what the presenter will say typed out in the notes section of each slide are required (not including the title and reference slides). There should be limited text on the slide to keep the audience engaged and the presentation should be planned to be at least 14 minutes but no longer than 16 minutes. The text and at least 2 other appropriate scholarly references from the field of gifted education must be used. (CLO: C, D, E, F)
Program Evaluation Reflection
The candidate will choose 6 of the 9 questions provided and will write a 4–5- page research based response discussing selected topics including the components of a gifted and talented program, the need for regular review, stakeholder input, service and support for special populations, and other crucial elements of successful programs and services for gifted learners. The conclusion of the reflection will have a biblical worldview. The candidate must include a title page and reference page and use the text and assigned readings to support their work. (CLO: F, G, H)

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