Child/Adolescent Development, Deviance and Violence: Etiology, Assessment & Treatment – DBFA 400

CG • Section 8WK • 11/08/2019 to 04/16/2020 • Modified 02/01/2024

Course Description

This course examines the developmental aspects of deviant, violent and problem behaviors in children and adolescents. Effective interventions and referral strategies for helping minors and their parents are addressed, as well as some of the sociological and community related factors regarding these challenging issues. Ethical concerns and multicultural factors are also considered.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.


The cultural battle for the hearts and minds of today’s children and adolescents is stronger than ever. Increasing rates of delinquency, deviance, and violence in our culture, particularly among young people, is taking a dramatic toll on society. Yet, too often, the media misses the etiological factors behind these behaviors, often casting blame in places it does not belong. In order to redeem the culture, responsive and proactive measures must begin with an understanding of the root causes. This course addresses aggressive and violent behaviors in light of contemporary behavioral science theory and research, considering the political, sociological, and cultural factors that also play a part. Intervention strategies, filtered through a theological lens, are offered to develop a compassionate Christian response to such behaviors. This course is offered in an eight-week format and includes extensive readings, experiential observations, exams, a research paper, and interactions with other students via Discussions.

Course Assignment

Textbook Readings and lecture presentations

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (3)

Each discussion will require the student to answer questions with a minimum 400-word thread based on that particular module's course materials. The students will be required to post a 300-word reply to one other student’s thread. Specific assignment instructions are included with the course materials. (CLOs: A, B, C, D, E)

4-MAT Review Assignments (2)

The 4-MAT Book Review system is a way of responding to readings that requires the learner to interact with new ideas on several levels, including a Summary, Concrete Responses, a Reflection, and personal Application. Specific assignment instructions are included with the course materials. (CLOs: A, B, C, E)

Movie Review Assignments (2)

The Movie Review assignments provide opportunities to focus on a movie that has an example of a cultural battle for today’s children and adolescents . Students must interact with the movie’s content in a way that aids understanding of the impact of movies on the counseling process, including a Review, and the Personal/Professional Implications of the movie. Specific assignment instructions are included with the course materials. (CLOs: A, B, C, E)

Essay Assignment

The student will write an APA formatted essay on the prompt provided. The essay will contain a minimum of 500 words and no more than 750 words. The essay must incorporate scholarly research and demonstrate course-related knowledge. (CLOs: B, C, D, E, F)