COUC 999 Internship

The doctoral internship is designed to provide students with supervised experiences that reflect the activities of a regularly employed professional in the field of counselor education. All doctoral interns must have internship experiences in supervision, teaching, and one additional doctoral competency (counseling, research or leadership/advocacy). Under the guidance of faculty and supervisors, the primary focus of this internship is to help doctoral students develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required for ethical and competent practice as a counselor educator in counseling, research, or leadership and advocacy.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.

Course Guide

View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*

*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.

The doctoral internship experience is considered one of the capstone events in the doctoral students’ program of study. In this course, students have the opportunity to gain supervised experience in the activities of a regularly employed professional in the field of counselor education. Under the mentorship of faculty and site supervisors, students will continue to develop the personal qualities, characteristics, and behaviors of a professional counselor, supervisor, educator, researcher, and leader/advocate as they transition from “Doctoral Student” to “Counselor Educator.” To ensure that the internship provides students with a well-rounded experience, the 600 hours of internship must include supervised experiences in three of the five doctoral competencies: Teaching, supervision, clinical practice, research, and leadership and advocacy. Students’ professional growth and development are ongoing processes, and key patterns for this growth are established during this supervised internship experiences.


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At least 200 clock hours (600 total) of approved activities for each doctoral competency that is the focus of the internship as described in the Internship Guidelines.

Submit Copy of Liability Insurance

Students must submit evidence that their liability insurance is current at end of semester.

Individual/Triadic Supervision

Students must obtain a minimum of one (1) hour per week of individual and/or triadic supervision throughout the Internship with the approved Site Supervisor. This includes weeks where you do not see any clients.

Faculty Group Supervision

An average of 1 hour per week of faculty group supervision as provided on a regular schedule throughout the Internship.


Participation in a variety of professional activities and resources specific to the focus of the internships. These activities are in addition to direct contact with students, clients, or

Audio/Video Recordings

Counseling, teaching, and supervision interns must submit at least two (2) audio/video recordings for use in supervision or receive live supervision of interactions with clients, students, or supervisees. Counseling and supervision interns must include the informed consent when submitting each tape for faculty supervision. A tape cannot be reviewed by the faculty supervisor and viewed in group supervision without the Informed Consent form signed by the client (Appendix D Appendix E).

Student Evaluation of Site and Supervisor Form

In Week 14, students will fill out their evaluation of their site and supervisor in LiveText. Site supervisors will not have access to this information.

Formal Evaluations

  • Submission of the final evaluation of the student’s internship performance by the faculty supervisor and site supervisor that is specific to the focus of the
  • Counseling, supervision, and teaching interns will submit additional evaluations as outlined
  • All doctoral interns will submit a self-evaluation of their

ASSIGNMENTS (Counseling Internship only)

A. Hours: Complete 200 total hours of a supervised counseling experience, with at least:

    • 150 hours of direct (face-to-face) contact;
    • 10 hours (minimum) of faculty group supervision)
    • 15 hours (minimum) of individual or triadic supervision with the approved supervisor.
    • 25 hours of related activities

For more information for each of these activities, please consult the Internship Manual.

B. Logs: Students will keep track of their hours each week using the Internship Log provided in BB. In addition, quarterly summaries of hours must be entered into LiveText. During their quarterly, mid-term, and final evaluations, students must submit their logs to the onsite supervisors for supervisor verification of logged hours completed. Students will not get credit for any clinical hours until the hours are verified by the supervisor on LiveText. It is highly recommended that students who are earning hours towards licensure keep a personal copy of their logs in their home records. This will give students a “back-up” copy if needed in the future by the Internship office or a state licensure board. Students who do not finish the required hours within the semester must register (and pay) for an additional semester of the

C. Midterm & Final Evaluations: (L.O.: A-G) Students must pass the Midterm and Final evaluations from each approved supervisor. Site supervisors fill out Midterm and Final Evaluations on LiveText. Students who receive emerging or below on their evaluations for the course will work with the faculty and site supervisor to develop a plan to correct any deficits and/or enter formal remediation. An “F” in the internship due to unethical or improper behavior at a site will result in expulsion from the

D. Case Presentations: Each student will complete two case presentations on two different clients. Students will share a segment of a counseling video working with the client he/she has completed a case presentation report for. (See Appendix B and Appendix C).

E. Verbatims: Each student will complete two verbatims of a segment of two different counseling

ASSIGNMENTS (Research, Leadership, or Advocacy Internship only)

A. Hours: Complete 200 total hours in activities associated with research, leadership, or advocacy. The requirements for completion of the research, leadership, or advocacy internship can be found under the Guidelines for Research, Leadership, or Advocacy Internships and will be documented in the Research, Leadership, or Advocacy Internship Agreement Form.

B. Presentations: Each student will make two presentations outlining their current projects during (class time) faculty group

C. Project Report: The intern will complete a capstone project that reflects the activities and learning that occurred over the course of this internship. The project will be dependent on the goals of the internship. The faculty supervisor, in consultation with the clinical director, will establish the requirements of the capstone

D. Formal Evaluations: Interns will submit the following forms:

  • Final evaluation of the student’s internship performance by the faculty supervisor and site supervisor that is specific to the research, leadership, or advocacy

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