Strategic Organizational Communication – COMS 622

CG • Section 8WK • 02/18/2020 to 12/31/2021 • Modified 02/01/2024

Course Description

Analysis of theories and practices that assist individuals in success in organizations. Students develop the ability to add value to employing organizations and enhance individual careers.




This course examines the theories and practices of contemporary organizational communication. This course will allow the student to understand how and why organizations operate as they do. Upon completion of the class, the student will have a better understanding of managing people, motivating employees, managing organizational stress, developing teams or groups in organizations, making decisions in organizations, leading employees, and designing organizational jobs. The class will prepare the student for developing effective organizational communication skills that will lead to success in his/her career and organizational work.

Course Assignment

Textbook readings

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in Module/Week 1.

Chapter Presentation

The instructor will randomly assign the student to a chapter in the text. The student will be in charge of outlining the chapter, presenting the chapter, and leading discussion regarding the chapter once during the course. He or she will create and upload a 10-minute video to YouTube and then embed the video in the Discussion Board Forum. In addition, the student will create a corresponding PowerPoint presentation. The student will then pose 1 thoughtful question to which other students will respond.

Chapter Presentation Replies (3)

During the modules/weeks in which the student is not responsible for submitting a Chapter Presentation, he or she will answer at least 1 presentation question. Replies must be at least 150 words and enhance the content of the chapter.

Literature Review

The student will write a 5–6-page paper on an organizational communication topic or issue of interest to him/her, and which will then serve as the topic for his or her Research Paper. The Literature Review will include a bibliography that cites at least 15 resources, formatted according to current APA style.

Research Paper

The student will write a Research Paper concerning a specific aspect of organizational communication. The Literature Review completed in Module/Week 3, in shortened form, will serve as the foundation of the Research Paper. The student will use the topic he or she chose for the Literature Review to write the Research Paper. The Research Paper will be 6–8 full pages, accompanied by a list of references (works cited) in current APA format.

Research Paper Presentation

The Research Paper will be presented to the class in a video presentation. For the paper presentation, the student will create a 6–8-minute video using a digital video recorder, upload the video to YouTube, and then embed the video in the Discussion Board Forum.

Research Paper Presentation Reply

During the module/week in which the student is not responsible for completing his or her Research Paper Presentation, he or she will post a reply of at least 150 words to at least 1 classmate’s presentation. The reply must include 1 positive comment and 1 constructive criticism comment.

Exams (2)

The student will have a Midterm Exam and a Final Exam. These exams will be open-book/open-notes, and will each contain 100 multiple-choice and/or true-false questions that cover material from the textbook readings. The student will have 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete each exam.