CLED 715 Ecologies of Christian Formation
Course Description
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a model of spiritual formation that will guide them as Christian leaders in facilitating the spiritual growth of themselves and others. This course especially fulfills Program Learning Outcome 1 regarding instruction in biblical and theological principles that inform Christian leadership practice. Students pursuing an advanced degree in Christian leadership need to know how to lead those they serve to full maturity in Christ, and this course will enable them to do so.
Course Assignment
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After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.
Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the instructor-provided prompt for each Discussion. Each thread must be at least 400 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be at least 200 words. (CLO: A, C)
Each student will prepare a major paper covering the topic “My Emerging Model of Spiritual Formation.” The student will research and write in four (4) installments integrating the course readings and course watch materials listed under each Module and in the Course Schedule. This is one paper that will be written in four installments, not four separate papers. There should be one title page and one References list using APA as the style guide along with the latest edition of the School of Divinity Writing Guide. The student will create one document and add a new section to it with its new assigned heading. Do not use any other headings than those provided. Cite course “Watch” items according to guidelines provided in the latest edition of the APA Manual regarding media accessed as part of an online course. Please note that you are to treat required Read items and required Watch items equally so that both receive equal treatment in the writing of each section of the paper. (CLO: A, B, and C)
Use the following headings for each part of the paper that you submit. Do not modify them or create your own. Using these headings enables me to more easily see where one part of the paper leaves off and the new part begins.
- Part 1 Introduction and Overview: Identifying Necessary Ingredients for Spiritual Growth
The student will write an Introduction/Overview to the research paper entitled “My Emerging Model of Spiritual Formation.” The Introduction and Overview should be 3-4 pages in length and in proper APA style. The student will identify the salient issues and concepts that one needs to address when developing a biblical model of spiritual growth for Christians showing his/her exposure to the assigned reading of the Lowe & Lowe and Pettit texts. (CLO: A, B)
- Part 2 The Role of the Christian Community in Facilitating Spiritual Maturity
The student will write his/her emerging view of the necessary ingredients that facilitate and promote the spiritual growth of Christians showing his/her exposure to the assigned reading of the Pettit text and other required course resources. This portion of the paper must be between 3-4 pages and in proper APA style. (CLO: A, B)
- Part 3 The Targeted Outcome of the Spiritual Formation Process
The student will develop his/her understanding of the targeted outcome of the spiritual formation process. What do the texts that Samra references tell about what it means to be conformed to Christ? Be sure to integrate other required course resources into this section of the paper. This portion of the paper runs between 3-4 pages and in proper APA style. (CLO: A, B)
- Part 4 Application of Emerging Model to Diverse Settings with Final Edits
In 3-4 pages, the student will develop his/her understanding of the creative ways in which one can apply his/her emerging understanding of spiritual formation in a variety of contexts and settings showing his/her exposure to the assigned reading of the Lowe & Lowe and Garner & Campbell texts and other required course resources. Consider the implications of an ecological perspective on spiritual formation that may challenge traditional understanding of the concept. (CLO: A, B, C)
Exploratory References List Assignment
Exploratory References on the Relationship between Christian Leadership and Spiritual Formation is a stand-alone assignment and has nothing to do with the References list used in the writing of your paper.
It is important for doctoral students to begin exploring possible research questions for their dissertation as early as possible in the degree completion process. To this end, you will use this assignment as an opportunity to engage in an initial exploration of the literature relevant to the relationship between Christian leadership and spiritual formation. This exercise also prompts students to master APA formatting in References lists. All of the books and articles listed must conform to current APA formatting and/or SOD Writing Guide standards.
The references list should contain 5 books that address only the relationship between Christian leadership and spiritual formation in the title and 5 academic journal articles that address only the relationship between Christian leadership and spiritual formation. None of the books used in this course meet this assignment criteria so none of them should show up in this assignment. Do not blend books and journal articles together in one long References list. Instead, demarcate and identify each book and article category with its own level one centered heading like this:
Book References
Books in alphabetical order starting with author/editor’s last name.
Journal References
Articles in alphabetical order starting with author/editor’s last name.
(CLO: D).

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